Looking Inside Memory

I think the passage on page 61, “I wasn’t happy, but the power of memory is such that it can lift reality for a time. Or is it memory the more real place?” (Winterson) is very telling about the main character and is key to the character development. I feel like we get to see the inner workings of how the main character organizes and categorizes their thoughts, feelings, and understanding of what is going on around them. For example, looking at the whole passage, the protagonist escapes to the past in order to comfort and shield themself from the present disaster going on around them. They are in the midst of a terrible break-up, with a person they knew they shouldn’t have been with from the beginning, and they escape to the past for comfort. They seem to do this a lot whenever they are in a situation which is not favorable to them or when they get upset. The memories aren’t always happy, but the protagonist seems to have this inability, in my opinion, to handle these very real and personal situations so they run to memories to escape. This, I believe and this could just be my opinion, the reason why the protagonist keeps getting in  these situations. Unable to confront or deal with the past, they cannot learn from it, and in turn cannot protect themselves from having it happen to them again. Also, and this maybe going on a limb as well, I think the protagonist hasn’t forgiven themself for things that have happened to them in the past as well.You have this constant replay of their life, and is it self-reflective? A little, but for the most part these are memories, in the grand scheme of things, not the highlight of relationships they would have wanted. They are always mentioning the cliches of love and how they long for it and these memories are the exact opposite of that. These memories are with lovers past that for one reason or another never seem to be the cliche she wants.