Death and Equality

Everyone ends up the same. We all grow up differently, but we all die. There is not much equality in the world but there is equality in death. If someone is homeless and has no money to their name they will get the same after death care as someone who has billions of dollars and fifteen houses. This passage serves as a reminder that everyone is equal in death. No one gets a bigger coffin or grave because they have more money. It is all the same. The choice to use the word “hole” instead of grave is important because it tells the reader that in the end it does not mean much. You will end up in a hole in the ground just like everyone else. The last line of the passage, “…for no matter what fanciness goes in it, rich and poor occupy the same home at last” is something a lot of people should pay attention to. The phrase “occupy the same home at last” is powerful because it shows that it was meant to be. At last, there is equality among people. There is a standard among death, and everyone meets it. Death sees everyone as the same. No matter status, gender, or sexuality. In life, people are prejudice and treat people differently because of these things even though they will all end up the same. Everyone gets the same death and hopefully this will never change because death unites everyone. Death greats everyone the same. This passage is an important reminder for everyone that life is too short and individual for you to be worried about anyone but your loved ones. Do not spend your time spreading hate and misinformation. Spend it with your family and friends because in the end everyone will have the same ending. Everyone needs to read this passage and live life based on the fact that everyone is truly equal no matter how hard people try to fight against it

One thought on “Death and Equality”

  1. I found your take interesting and refreshing, particularly the emphasis on the fact that everyone goes to the same type of place when they die and has the same outcome in that respect. I feel that right now, society is so divided that we need comments and perspectives like this one to remind us that at the end of the day, we are all the same type of species with the same expected eventual outcome.

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