By Emily Bowie
Hey everyone! So we’ve got some exciting updates from our “In progress” projects. Check out the snapshots below and then make sure to check out their project pages by clicking on the images! If you want to get involved in any don’t hesitate to email the project contacts.
They are pursuing gardens on the Drayer balcony and the roof of the Archaeology lab! The team is also looking possibly take over the student garden by Davidson-Wilson. They are working closely with the farm and facilities and is pursuing campus life approval before getting a structural engineer to investigate the balcony. The beds should be installed by the end of the semester and we plan to grow cover crop for the first season on the balcony.
Currently, a team is assembled and working on obtaining a smaller vehicle to convert for use as the “Safety Shuttle” on campus. This will demonstrate the plausibility of the overall project and replace the safety shuttle with a more sustainable option. They are also researching the best options for a fuel source which involves contacting local businesses in search of oil sources and how much it would cost.
February 15, 2024 at 6:13 am
Blog impresionante! ¿Su tema está hecho a medida o lo descargó de algún lugar?
Un tema como el tuyo con algunos ajustes simples realmente haría
destacan mi blog. Por favor avísame donde estas
tienes tu tema. Salud
January 17, 2025 at 8:02 pm
It’s amazing. with what you came up with Every story is like you put yourself into it. It’s really very interesting.