The 6th Annual Idea Fund Formal Dessert

On Wednesday, September 21, we hosted our sixth annual formal dessert. We hold this event every fall semester as a means of bringing together the Dickinson community to discuss the progress of the Idea F14409598_1202256789832675_274955326590119187_ound and entrepreneurship on campus in a more formal manner. As it is attended by innovation minded faculty, staff, students, and other community members, it provides an engaging atmosphere for networking and the sharing of ideas. After some conversation and mingling over desserts from the Carlisle Bakery, Brady Hummel ‘17 gave theExecutive Report. This Report outlined the Idea Fund’s history and future, specifically featuring the year’s financial report, current projects, new changes, and new directions, including our new Public Relations and Project Consulting goals.


Following the Executive Report, Marcus Welker, the Projects Coordinator for the Center for Sustainability Education, and John Leibundgut ‘18 gave a report on The Hive. The Hive is a project that went through the Idea Fund last year that would put a beehive on campus to produce honey and provide experiential learning. The project was given to CSE, 14480668_1202257719832582_7311818445445998620_owhich now are in the final stages of preparing the Hive for its arrival on campus. Marcus Welker has previous experience in beekeeping and has been a vital source of guidance and information throughout the entire process.


Then, Natura Sant Foster ‘20 and Davis Grubman ‘20 shared their experiences from the Kickstart Dickinson Pre-Orientation Program, the third time this program has been offered for incoming first-years. This program is an integral part to the operation of Idea Fund, as it draws in new students every year. The layout of the program varies from year to year, but there is always a Shark-Tank-like competition where the students are divided into teams to crea14500328_1202257006499320_6352826078670626359_ote Idea Fund projects, and then have to present it to a board of judges. In addition to this competition, first-years have the opportunity to learn about campus and the Carlisle area in a more intimate and personalized way. Though the program typically draws in some business-minded people, they expressed how much they and their peers enjoyed the program, even if they had no interest in business itself. The program attracted a variety of people and this allowed innovation to flourish.


Following those talks, Community Outreach Director, Fatema Sachak ‘18, led a breakout session. The question presented was, “If you had to give a TED Talk right now, what would it be about and why?” This brought forth a lot of dynamic conversation about passion between all attending. It brought to light the diversity of minds and interests that surround us at Dickinson everyday. After the breakout session, Professor Anat Beck of the International Business and Management Department gave the keynote presentation on entrepreneurship on campus in the past and present. She addressed how a Dickinson education advocates for innovation and entrepreneurship in all fields, and how Dickinson and the Carlisle area have been a hub for innovation for a long time. Professor Beck then shared her confidence in the Idea Fund to help foster the creativity that is at Dickinson even further, carrying on this tradition of innovation and entrepreneurship here.


This Dessert was successful in bringing together the community and engaging them in innovative thinking. We thank all of our Dessert attendees for their engagement and look forward to the ideas that will come in the year ahead of us.


Elizabeth Haraburda ‘19, Associate Board Member