Author Archives: Matthew Pinsker

Welcome to the Blog

cropped-Syllabus-Cloud.jpgStudents in FYS Digital Humanies with Prof. Pinsker will be using this blog space during Fall semester 2014 to post their course work and to begin to develop their own digital portfolio of work.  All writing posts and research presentations should be submitted here, at this space, on or before their due date.  But students may post additional material relevant to their course work and in the spirit of the ongoing pursuit of knowledge embodied by digital humanities and The Education of Henry Adams.  There are only a few rules to consider:

  • Save your posts as DRAFTS if you don’t want Prof. Pinsker looking at them yet
  • Set post visibility to PRIVATE in order to share any assignments with Prof. Pinsker
  • NEVER set your posts to PUBLIC on your own.  That’s for Prof. Pinsker to decide.
  • However, if you don’t want him to make your posts public –no matter how good they might be– well, that’s your decision.  Just put this disclaimer at the top of any such post: NOT FOR PUBLICATION
  • Finally, of course, whether it’s in draft, private or public, always maintain a respectable level of civility.  No bullying or threatening.  Criticism is necessary and even welcome –but always should be delivered with a tone and style that will serve your cause and not detract from it.