Spring 2013 DJ Meetings & Activities Night

Come out and visit this friendly bunch on activities night!

Come out and visit this friendly bunch on activities night!

Welcome Back WDCVer’s!  We are changing things a little this year and splitting our DJ meetings into different meetings for returning or new DJs.  Returning DJs should come to the meeting Tuesday, January 22nd at 7:00pm in Stafford Auditorium in Rector.  New DJs can attend one of 2 meetings either January 29th or January 30th 7:00pm, also in Stafford Auditorium.

If you aren’t sure that you want to be a DJ but have heard about how awesome it is to have a radio show, you should stop by our table at Activities Night on Wednesday January 23rd in the Social Hall at 6pm.  Meet some of the exec board, grab a stickers, buttons and free cds.  Maybe even buy one of our SWEET shirts! Our Sports Broadcasters will be there too so chat with them about your future career at ESPN.

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