Top 5 Tunez


What’s good, Dickinsonians? One surefire way to find excellent new music is to investigate the side projects that the members of your favorite bands are involved with. Here’s a list of my top five favorite songs that have resulted from a beautiful meeting of great music minds. Enjoy!

5. Little Joy — Don’t Watch Me Dancing

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The brainchild of Fabrizio Moretti, the drummer of the Strokes, Rodrigo Amante, singer and lead guitarist for Los Hermanos, and Binki Shapiro, all around chill human being, Little Joy’s eponymous 2008 debut is one of the most enjoyable and thoroughly listenable albums I’ve ever heard. It’s a sweet little summer throwback. Don’t Watch Me Dancing is Little Joy at its lazy mellow best.

4. Divine Fits — My Love Is Real

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This is the opener for the album A Thing Called Divine Fits, which began as a collaboration between Britt Daniel of Spoon and Dan Boeckner of Wolf Parade and Handsome Furs. It’s the best of both worlds; the tight beats and use of space is reminiscent of Spoon in its Gimme Fiction days, while the refrain is clearly written by the same guy who penned Wolf Parade’s This Heart’s On Fire.

3. Broken Bells — Meyrin Fields

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Broken Bells is comprised of James Mercer, frontman of the Shins, and noted producer Danger Mouse of Gnarls Barkley fame. Both members have sworn that this isn’t just a one-off, but a legitimate band that intends to keep making music. Bonus: on tour, the live band consists of not just Mercer and Danger Mouse, but also Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes and Desaparecidos.

2. Volcano Choir — Byegone

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Bon Iver may be on indefinite hiatus, but don’t worry. You can still get your Justin Vernon fix via Volcano Choir, a collaboration between the Bon Iver frontman and several members of Collections of Colonies of Bees. The first album was a significant departure from the sound Bon Iver fans are used to hearing, but Repave, their most recent album, sounds more familiar.

1. Atoms for Peace — Default

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“Supergroup” is largely an outdated, semi-maligned term, but there’s really no other way to describe Atoms for Peace. Its members include Radiohead frontman Thom York and producer Nigel Godrich, Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea and percussionist Mauro Refosco, and Beck and R.E.M. drummer Joey Waronker. Default is reminiscent of King of Limbs at its most enjoyable. Radiohead with a twist. What’s not to like?

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