Carlisle Uncut: Stories off the Beaten Path-Adventures at Cave Hill

meagansarahCarlisle Uncut: Stories off the Beaten Path is a series of stories produced by first year students during the Campus Media Pre-Orientation program.  10 students arrived on a Sunday, interviewed people on Monday, edited on a Tuesday and aired their stories on WDCV by Wednesday morning.  It was a fast paced introduction to audio journalism, storytelling and learning about their new home of Carlisle through the eyes of the individuals who live here. We will post a new story every day this week until all 5 stories are told.

Adventures at Cave Hill

This story is literally off the beaten path.  Cave Hill is a cherished nature refuge tucked away on the edge of Carlisle.  If you are on the Conodoguinet Creek you can see it in plain view but otherwise you have to know where to enter and scale down a hill to enjoy this secret space.  Although this place is loved by many, there are still some who don’t respect this beautiful space by defacing it with graffiti and litter.  Ben Mummert talks to Sarah and Meagan about why he cares so much about this Carlisle gem and how everyone can help keep it open for all who want to visit it. Find out more about Cave Hill at


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