Fall 2023 Semester Recap

Fall 2023 Exec Retreat!

Hey! it’s been a while…

WDCV Wins Student Group of the Year! – Spring 2023

Last spring was one of our best semesters, we really drove home what we bring to the Dickinson College student community. This past fall we tried to keep that energy going.


Co-Station Manager Sarah Goodwin (far left) and Exec members (from left to right) Amy Lawn, Theadora Duane, and Olivia Hobbs showing off our stickers at the Activities Fair on the Academic Quad!

As always we were playing tunes at the activities fair and hypnotizing people into joining the radio….and we got a record number of signs ups so it totally worked!!! Roughly 100!!










Of course we did lots of djing for campus events…

Exec Members Michael Wymer and Theadora Duane DJ at Charter Day! – Fall 2023










Poster making night in the station – Fall 2023



lots of djing…


Events Coordinator Isaac Landis and DJ Orion Giles DJing at Out On Britton! – Fall 2023

We also walked in the Carlisle Halloween Parade again this year! We always love dressing up as our favorite artists and throwing candy at little children! Woohoo!

WDCV walking in the Carlisle Halloween parade! – Fall 2023

DJs dressed as their favorite artists!…and a dinosaur! Wow! – Fall 2023











Exec Members Molly Gun and Theadora Duane, and DJs Ellie Hirsch and Amelia D’Addieco march dressed their favs – Fall 2023












We also tried some new things this semester

CD Painting Night in the station during 24 Hour Live – Fall 2023











A bunch of us DJs got together and painted some sick CDs.

CD Painting Night in the station during 24 Hour Live – Fall 2023











Also Christopher Jackson was here (Mr. George Washington from Hamilton!!!!)and we got to interview him!

Exec Members Sarah Goodwin and Molly Gun interview Christopher Jackson on air! – Fall 2023

Sarah and Molly interview Christopher Jackson on air! – Fall 2023


And of course…we had our live music events.

This semester mxmtoon and Pink$weats came to Dickinson!


But we can’t forget about that homegrown music scene. We had an awesome turn out for Open Mic Night!


Lady Macbeth (DJs [left to right] Theadora Duane and Amelia D’Addieco) perform a Mazzy Star rendition at Open Mic! Fall 2023












Huong Ly and her group performing at Open Mic! – Fall 2023








We had a pretty great (and busy) semester, check back in the spring…its gonna be cray Z…








WDCV Whiteboard Calendar – Fall 2023

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