Local Ted Leo Show
Although I love the Square, they aren’t doing a great job of promoting great shows that are happening locally (only philly, dc & bmore). ...
Outside the Box
Outside the box is on the air Fridays from noon to 1 pm. Playing an eclectic array of tunes from all genres (except country)...
DJ Meetings
It’s that time again, the time when new & old djs alike come together to prepare for another excellent year of WDCV radio broadcasts. ...
WDCV article in the Dickinson Magazine
The Dickinson Magazine wrote up a nice article about the station and some alumni who had been very involved in WDCV over the years. ...
Apply to be on our Exec Board!!
It’s that time again….the changing of the guard if you will. We need some fresh minds to join the station exec staff so we...
We beat Pitchfork to the punch!
This past weekend WDCV brought Wiz Khalifa to town for Saturday’s hip-hop night of our Rock-Hop weekend. His new mix tape, Kush & OJ,...
Wiz Khalifa Ticket Information
***********WARNING: WDCV will not be accepting any more ticket reservations starting Friday at 4pm. OR if we get more than 250.********** To those of...
WDCV T-Shirts! YAY!!
I’m sure you have caught yourself contemplating “Oh how I wish I could get an awesome WDCV-FM t-shirt”……right? Well contemplate no more! WDCV has...