Author: BSL

Live on Britton Plaza

It’s that time again…the sun is shining…the students are lounging in the grass….is there a better time to crank WDCV’s tunes in Britton Plaza? ...

Rock-Hop Weekend!!!

One Rock show + One Hip Hop show = One amazing weekend!!! April 16th & 17th. Be there.

New Tunes

We will start to blog about some of the new music that comes through the music director’s desk.  Let us know what you think...

Spring DJ Meeting

WDCV held the Spring DJ meetings in the Stafford Auditorium this year. With a great turnout of new & returning DJs, the station is preparing for another successful semester.

Bluegrass on the Grass

WDCV advisor, Davis Tracy, brings together the best Bluegrass musicians each July for a free concert on Dickinson’s Campus.