Live on Britton Plaza
It’s that time again…the sun is shining…the students are lounging in the grass….is there a better time to crank WDCV’s tunes in Britton Plaza? ...
The Voice of Dickinson College
It’s that time again…the sun is shining…the students are lounging in the grass….is there a better time to crank WDCV’s tunes in Britton Plaza? ...
One Rock show + One Hip Hop show = One amazing weekend!!! April 16th & 17th. Be there.
WDCV held the Spring DJ meetings in the Stafford Auditorium this year. With a great turnout of new & returning DJs, the station is preparing for another successful semester.
WDCV advisor, Davis Tracy, brings together the best Bluegrass musicians each July for a free concert on Dickinson’s Campus.