Senior Seminar Community Science Discussion

On Tuesday, September 21st, ALLARM joined Professor Tom Arnold’s Coastal Biology Senior Seminar to facilitate conversations about community-based science, to provide background on ALLARM’s history, and to discuss our role within community-based science. Julie Vastine (Director) gave the class a brief introduction, drawing on her…

Sustainability Orientation at Laurel Lake

On Sunday September 12, ALLARM collaborated with Dickinson’s Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) to teach first-years about biological and chemical water testing at Laurel Lake. During this sustainability-themed orientation event, we worked with students to catch and identify different species of macroinvertebrates (like larval-stage insects,…

Summer Times

This summer, I had the opportunity to be a full-time Watershed Coordinator for seven weeks at ALLARM. I was so excited to be able to do this since I had not been able to physically work in the ALLARM office, as a result of COVID,…

National Water Quality Monitoring Conference

Grace: Throughout the last week of April, I was able to attend several sessions for the annual National Water Quality Monitoring Conference. This year’s theme was “Working Together, Virtually, for Clean Water,” and the week was filled with opportunities to attend sessions relating to water…

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Presentations

On April 12th, months of research carried out by much of the ALLARM staff culminated at the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) meeting with the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC). The goal of the meeting was to go over the findings of student research involving…

Master Watershed Stewards: Citizen Science Co-Presentation

On March 23, 2021,  I co-presented with ALLARM Director Julie Vastine in a virtual presentation to Pennsylvania Master Watershed Stewards about Citizen Science. We had 25 people in the audience who logged in for the event in real time, but the session was also recorded…

Community Organizing and Building Power

Dickinson’s Center for Civic Learning and Action (CCLA) held the fourth and last of its virtual Civic Skills Academy four-sessions on February 25, 2021. The “Community Organizing to Build Power” workshop was led by the Center for Coalfield Justice Executive Director, Veronica Coptis. The goal…

Cumberland County Stream Team Part 2 – Yellow Breeches!

In January, planning for two back-to-back Cumberland County Stream Team data interpretation meetings began. These meetings split the Cumberland County Stream Team volunteers into two sections based on their watershed: Yellow Breeches Creek, and Conodoguinet Creek combined with University Run. These meetings provided the opportunity…

Data Interpretation: Conodoguinet and University Run Stream Teams

Event: Data Interpretation Workshop, February 16, 2021 [caption id="attachment_536" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Olivia Spildooren '21 and Hiba Aoid '21 leading a breakout discussion room with two Stream Team members to talk through data trends.[/caption] On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, I helped co-facilitate small group discussions during…

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