About Me

About me: Mary-Austin Tutt

Hey everyone! I’m Mary-Austin. I’m a first-year from the DC area and a projected educational studies major. I love to hang out with my friends, binge TV shows, travel, and bake! Quarantine and being stuck at home with nothing to do got me super into baking. I’ve made cookies, log cake, and cheesecake! I love …


Modifications to the Pancake Recipe

The simplest modification to be made with this recipe is altering the degree of Maillard Browning in the end product. The Maillard Reaction occurs when the amino acids in proteins and some sugars combine and break down, producing a distinct taste along with a golden brown color. The reaction itself is fairly complex, but ways …


The Science Behind the Process

1. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl and whisk until homogenous. Transfer to an airtight container. This step is to incorporate all the dry ingredients before the leavening agents are activated. This is important because the baking powder and baking soda, being chemical agents, will react very quickly …

S’Mores Cupcakes Recipe

A lot of people around the world suffer from lactose intolerance. In fact, 30-50 million people suffer from lactose intolerance in the United States alone. The symptoms can go from mild to worse, and a lot of good foods and desserts contain dairy. To make consuming these cupcakes safe for those with lactose intolerance, I …