
About Jonah Lenahan

Hi y’all. As I’m sure you know, my name is Jonah Lenahan. I had some fun with the first draft of this post, but now I am transitioning to a much blander style that will allow me to complete this assignment. In the first draft, I introduced myself in the third person as J.M. Lenny, a chicken farmer and poet from 1890s Ohio who was assassinated in 1934 for his unceasing objection to the end of prohibition. Unfortunately, this was a deeply factually inaccurate account that I cannot in good conscience continue with. Instead, I will introduce myself in a lightly exaggerated account of my life this far. I was born in Lancaster county, PA at the turn of the millennia and had a happy childhood, excluding various balance issues and a mortal fear of electric razors. After several years of this and the birth of two younger brothers, I decided it was time to go to college, and so I left with the sanction of my parents, Matthew James and Cherie Ann. At college I’ve been studying religion and politics and cannot wait to see what comes next. This food blog is not a major part of my life, but I will complete it because I am required to and because I am afraid Ajla will hit me if I do not. Shout out to Mason. Peace and love. –Jonah

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