dunningg on November 30th, 2009

If we are lucky and attentive, our four years in higher education should leave us with the ability to handle all the greatest challenges our world can throw at our generation.  But perhaps the hardest and most important skill to master as an environmentalist is how to look squarely at the bald facts describing our […]

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Andrea Dominguez on November 28th, 2009

REDD programs have great potential, but have many holes that need to be filled before they can be implemented successfully.

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Kelly Rogers on November 25th, 2009

On December 9, 2009 President Obama will visit the UNFCC conference in Copenhagen to pledge the US to 17% emissions reductions by 2020. His appearance will be brief, as he is scheduled to be in Olso the following day to receive his Nobel Peace Prize. The “stringency” of his 17% commitment is unknown, which is […]

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As official members of the Youth Group Delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)  COP15 in Copenhagen in December, conducting interviews with public leaders who are actively involved in initiatives relating to Climate Change is one of the main priorities for the Dickinson Cop15 research team. In the fall leading up […]

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Poor countries want more funding for adaptation, ambitious commitments to cut GHG emissions sharply, and a limit of .15 degree C warming relative to preindustrial climate.

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