Poor countries want more funding for adaptation, ambitious commitments to cut GHG emissions sharply, and a limit of .15 degree C warming relative to preindustrial climate.

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The role trade will play in the post-Kyoto climate negotations has yet to been fully determined. Efforts have been made to reduce GHG emissions through trade, but many questions about the range and form of finance and investment for innovation, adaptation, and technology transfer remain. For our group’s key issue paper I focused on the […]

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rothrocop on October 5th, 2009

Humans are no different from other animals. Human population growth seems to be similar to rabbit population growth without predators. This continually increasing growth is unsustainable and may be part of the boom and bust cycle. Are humans smart enough to avoid the bust? We are an extremely adaptive species. We have reduced death rates […]

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Andrea Dominguez on October 5th, 2009

There is no doubt that mitigation and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions are crucial in the fight against global climate change. However, there are changes in the climate that we cannot avert any longer. Certain thresholds will be reached, and the consequences suffered, no matter what we do today. But there is still much we […]

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hoffmand on October 4th, 2009

In Dire Predictions, Mann and Kump describe the effects of climate change on human systems. Impacts include: decreasing availability of freshwater, degradation of ecosystems, social unrest resulting in conflicts and war, increased transmission of disease, sea level rise- the list goes on and on. Essentially, climate change will impact every sector of human life.  The […]

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