The Amazon Rainforest – The Evils of Deforestation on Youtube Just because the hurdles are inevitable does not mean we cannot jump over them, so we must prepare ourselves to deal with them during the COP15 meeting in December 2009, in order to win the race against time and global warming. In “Bringing the Copenhagen […]

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ramosj on September 14th, 2009

Flexibility is the ability to bend without breaking. Some need this flexibility in order to be able to comply with regulations or standards. Others abuse of this flexibility, bending things to the point of breakage. The question that lies on the table is whether “flexible mechanisms” should be including in the next protocol.

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Sarah Brylinsky on August 31st, 2009

Our students are the path to the future.    In an effort to create a just and sustainable future they must be able to navigate and understand the intersections of physical, social, and political worlds in both a local and global context, and prepare to negotiate the security of natural resources and human livelihood with their […]

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