Hello out there cyclists!
Just wanted to give a quick heads up that a small contingent of Dickinson community members will be heading to Harrisburg this Thursday (5:30-8:30) after the normal Handlebar hours to visit Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg. This is a great opportunity for you if you’re in need of bike, in need of learning to fix bike, or just in need of getting off campus and getting your hands on some tools. Please send me an email if you’re interested: biking@dickinson.edu. Thanks!
Also, just a reminder that this coming Saturday is our volunteer training day from 1-3! Come on down and eat some pizza, learn to fix bikes, and hang out with all of us! It’ll be grand! Please RSVP to the biking account for this as well.
In case anyone was wondering, The Handlebar doesn’t exist on a little bike island in a sea of bike-less-ness. In fact, we have friends and other co-ops that we look up to. Check out the Oberlin bike co-op in Ohio, they know what’s up: http://www.oberlin.edu/stuorg/bikecoop/bchome/bchome.html