
Some expertise from Douglas Swift, a Handlebar volunteer:

Below is just a small collection of possible routes in the immediate Carlisle area. All routes have been created using a great site, MapMyRide, which uses Google Maps to tally distance, elevation, and other features for your route, as well as being a great planning tool for routes you have not been on yet. These are separated into 3 categories: Easy (around town and/or less than 10 miles), Medium (Between 10 & 20 miles with moderate terrain), Hard (Over 20 miles; could have more variations in terrain).

In addition to the routes found below, The Handlebar will have a booklet of rides of varying length and intensity for anyone to look through and borrow for a ride.

Easy Rides

Medium Rides

Hard Rides

Feel free to follow these routes or just do what I do: wing it. Sometimes the best routes are those you don’t plan. But use these as a guideline and explore the area; the Cumberland Valley has much more to offer than just Carlisle; all you have to do is get out and explore!