Civic Action

An issue I an particularly focused on is that of fast fashion and, specifically, the unethical and unsustainable ways in which clothing is mass-produced to fit current trends and fads and not made to last for very long. This is a wide-branching issue, as not […]

Civic Action – Leah

The U.N’s 7th sustainable development goal is to ensure everyone has access to affordable, reliable, and modern electricity and energy services by 2030. Around a billion people live without adequate and sufficient access to electricity, mostly concentrated in the Sub-Saharan African and South Asia regions. […]

Civic Action

An issue that is prevalent is the pollution of the Oceans. All over the world, people continue to pollute the ocean not only by littering but also by fishing. Overfishing is negatively affecting the ocean greatly and introduces harmful plastics and destroys ecosystems by removing […]