Lecture by Emanuelle Oliveira-Monte (Vanderbilt University)
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Stern Great Room, 7 p.m.
Barack Obama’s election to the American presidency in 2009 sparked a renewed interest in the theme of race in the Americas and worldwide. The sight of an African American as President of the United States led analysts to declare that North America was living in a post-racial era. But Obama’s election also had a tremendous impact on the imaginary of the African Diaspora. This lecture by Emanuelle Oliveira-Monte, Vanderbilt University, will examine his characterizations in the Brazilian media, especially in examples of political humor, such as cartoons and memes. The program is sponsored by The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues. For more information, visit the Web site or call 717-245-1875.
Stern Great Room, 7:00
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