by Kristina Nierdeymayer

Why do all French people drink half and half as their primary type of milk? For all of my life, I have grown up drinking half and half only in coffee and in whip cream. But here in France, it is the only type of milk my host family, and the my friends host families drink.  I don’t like half and half but I don’t want to be impolite by rejecting it when it is offered to me. So, I now eat my cerial with yogurt, and I drink my coffee black (two things I now prefer). Thank god for all of the delicious French cheeses that are fournishing me with all of the calcium I need while I am here!

I am now an ardent proponent of studying abroad. Separated from the comforts of daily American life, you learn your personal strengths. Studying abroad also allows you to get an in depth perception of a culture, a perception that is only really possible if you stay in a different culture for an extended period of time. I cannot say that I now understand the French culture perfectly, but I certainly have a greater appreciation for the intricacies of the culture. I am leaving Toulouse with a better understanding of the French culture, a plethora of memories, and an assortment of new friends. I am also leaving with a new love for modern art as well as red wine (warm wine too!). Thank you, Toulouse, for teaching me independence and for changing my life.