Written by Claire Jeantheau
After a hiatus in the fall 2020 semester, Dickinson’s Arts Collective—a place to try making creations with other artistically-interested people—is back! The club entered 2021 with a revived Instagram and a new slate of at-home activities; for example, in a previous meeting, members crafted with materials in their immediate surroundings, like paper and foil, over Zoom. The Trout Gallery is planning to partner with the collective at a meeting on our current Photography show on April 21 on Zoom. In this Trout Crossover, club president Darcy Bromley ’22 shares about her experiences with the Trout Gallery, along with her plans for Arts Collective this spring.

What’s one thing you want every Dickinson student to know about Arts Collective?
Really, that anybody can join us, and do any of the activities. I think that, even if you don’t have experience with art, it’s a great way to destress, and obviously, I want our club meetings to be as inclusive as possible and kind of just a good place for people to go if they want to meet someone or get interested in art. So yeah—just that anybody can join.
What are some of your favorite art-related experiences from your time at college?
I really like going to the Trout Gallery openings. I think they’re always really interesting, and especially when they’re student-run, and I know that people have really worked on curating exhibits and things. I think it’s really cool to see that. And especially the senior shows have always been super fun.
What do you hope to do with Arts Collective this semester? How do you want to engage with the arts at Dickinson as a club?
We definitely want to get involved with the Trout, obviously. We’re super psyched to be able to talk with you guys and do things with you all. And then, just collaborating with other clubs that people can get involved in the arts. I think just try to present people with as many opportunities as possible.
Find Arts Collective on Instagram and EngageD, and sign up for the club email list by reaching out to artscollectivedickinson@gmail.com.