Sister Mary Corita Kent (1918 – 1986) Ark, Serigraph on paper, 1966-67, 1999.2.47. Given by the artists of Motive Magazine and Professor Emeritus Dennis Akin and Marjorie Pennington Akin
“Art does not come from thinking, but from responding.”-Corita Kent
Soul Food provides artful inspiration for nurturing the soul and calming the spirit. Individual posts might function as meditations, prompts for contemplative response, or poetic musings on the human spirit. Comments are welcome. All artworks are from The Trout Gallery permanent collection.

Fountain at the Seagram Building, NY
Gelatin silver print on paper
15.688 x 13 in. (39.846 x 33.02 cm)
1961, 20th c., 2011.8.3
Gift of the D’Angelo family
Are you looking for a break in this turbulent fall? Maybe art can help. HERE are three pieces that encourage you to pause and contemplate, transporting you to another place in the process.

Unintentional Art is a developing image and text based dialogue series that can be found across The Trout Gallery’s social media. Click HERE to see what Danielle Paz, a Spanish Assistant a The Trout Gallery, writes about the creation of Unintentional Art.

Mt. Fuji & Sign, Mt. Fuji, Japan 1977, Gelatin silver print on paper, 13.75 x 11 in. (34.925 x 27.94 cm), 1979, 20th c.
1986.1.1.1, Gift of Lawrence and Carol Zicklin
We reached out to award-winning poet and Dickinson College Poet-in Residence and Professor of Creative Writing, Adrienne Su, to ask if she might suggest a “poetic pairing” for our Soul Food page. In this case, Su picked this work form our collection by Elliot Erwitt, and paired it with a poem by William E. Stafford. Click HERE to read more.

Rosa Sparks, Linocut on paper, 39.2 x 51.6 in.,
2017, 2017.21
Purchase of The Trout Gallery
Can art address racism? Consider the example of Rosa Sparks, a 2017 linocut by artist Steve Prince. Click HERE to learn more.

(1887 – 1975)
Garden of the Palace of Monaco
We may not be able to vacation physically, but a mental vacation is a calming alternative. And what better place, than a palace garden? Click HERE to begin your garden visit.

(1902 – 2002)
Que Chiquito es el Mundo
Great art expresses the human condition. In times of stress and anxiety, a visual reminder that we are not alone can provide the equivalent of a virtual hug. This one comes from Mexico, where Manuel Alvarez Bravo produced some of his greatest work. So settle in, and explore your shared humanity HERE.

14th century to 16th century,
Slow looking is one of the latest trends in museum-going, but might it have added benefits? Enter Slow Art. This guided viewing experience was developed as a collaboration with a Dickinson psychologist and Trout Student Assistants. Interested in slowing down your day? Learn more here.