Heavy Rotation Update-4/23

I’ve got TWO WEEKS worth of awesome music for you guys! I know, I know I dropped the ball and didn’t do an update last week. Never again will I put my academics ahead of music directoring. But we’ve got some really stunning albums here at WDCV and we want to share that awesomeness with you:

River City Extension– And The Untouchable Man Like the Avett Brothers? Heard of Hoots and Hellmouth? Perhaps you like a little Spanish flavor in your folk rock. This happy album is the one for you! I especially like track #5.

Slow Club- Yeah So It’s really cute! If you are a traditional pop fan (Lenoard Cohen etc.)/folk songwriter fan you will love it! P.S. There is a cd of bonus tracks in new music!

Serena-Maneesh: S-M2: Abyss in B Minor Simply amazing, well thought out album. It has a tendency of getting weird (track 1 and 7) very amazing regardless.

Evelyn Evelyn Super weird story line of these pseudo conjoined Siamese twins (Amanda Palmer of The Dresden Dolls and Jason Webley) as they go on adventures!

Foxy Shazam- s/t Sounds like a mix between Mika and The Mars Volta (I think this is right- but the handwriting is kind of hard to read…).

Jonsi- Go Lead singer for Sigur Ros has done a solo album. Not as crazy as their normal stuff though.

Electric President- The Violent Blue A super chill album that is still really fun. Nightmare No.5 or 6 is my personal favorite.

Young Livers- Of Misery and Toil Finally something NOT lofi 60s throwback etc… No idea says, “The culminating effort radiates and underlying majesty and grace that belies the more overt aggression.” When are they ever that eloquent? This album is good.

Inlets- Inter Arbiter Dude has a great Beruit vibe- not coincidentally, since they work together sometimes.

The Henry Clay People- Somewhere on the Golden Coast Band has a strong Modest Mouse Vibe. Do you guys like Modest Mouse? If so maybe you’ll disagree but anyway, it’s pretty fun.

Horse Feathers- Thistled Spring All I can say about this: SO PRETTY!

The Radio Department- Clinging to a Scheme Gorgeous indie pop/shoe gaze from Sweden. A bit hard to say what they sound like but I like the Bloc Party Vibes that randomly pop up through out the album. A good listen.

The Do- A Mouthful French people like them! I think they are ok.

Balkan Beat Box- Blue Eyed Black Boy I’m late on this sorry! Anyway this is a much more listenable album than the last but still pretty cool!

The Pack AD- We Kill Computers I’m freakin’ in rock love with this album. It’s got this great grungy sound, but it isn’t noise or obnoxious. It’s very reminiscent of The White Stripes, if Amanda Palmer from Dresden Dolls did the vocals.

The Living Sisters- Love to Live It’s a really good album, it features the lead signer of The Birds & The Bees also in heavy rotation.

Mathaniel Rateliff- In Memory of Loss Solid album. You can’t go wrong with any track. It’s really chill and mellow but not boring.

The Mynabirds- What We Lost In The Fire We Gained In The Flood Good album. You can’t go wrong here. Definitely hints of Rilo Kiley in there.

The Slacker-The Great Rocksteady Swindle Oh, The Slackers! Keepin’ ska faith for all of us.

Dr. Dog- Shame, Shame Drink Up Buttercup’s drummer recommend this to me. It sounds like if Of Montreal played bars like in “Piano Man” ok that’s an exaggeration kinda.

The You Know Whos- Five Songs (They were just here at DICKINSON!) Did you go to Rock-Hop on Friday? Then you already LOVE them. Did you not go? Now you can see what you missed!!

Caribou- Swim Guys the album art for this is awesome. Oh the music is good too I guess.

Laura Stevenson & The Cans-  A Record I love this woman. Prettiest music ever!

Whew! That’s a lot of music folks. Does it seem like we’re missing anything? Give us a shout in the comments and we will see what we can do!

Hugs and Kisses,

WDCV Music Directors

We beat Pitchfork to the punch!

This past weekend WDCV brought Wiz Khalifa to town for Saturday’s hip-hop night of our Rock-Hop weekend.  His new mix tape, Kush & OJ, came out just a few days earlier.  Despite pitchfork’s snobbery of having their finger on the pulse of new, underground music, we were a step ahead of them on this one. WOOT!  Check out their review, they gave his mixtape a 7.2.  Not bad. Not bad at all.

Jen’s New Obsession – The Pack A.D.

So my friends at Pirate sent me this awesome album that I can’t get enough of currently. It’s called We Kill Computers and it’s by The Pack A.D. It’s a girl duo consisting of Becky Black and Maya Miller from Vancouver. It sounds alot like if The White Stripes and The Black Keys got together and had a baby, but that baby looks more like the White Stripes than the Black Keys. That baby’s siblings are also The Kills and The Gossip. Wouldn’t you like to meet this baby?

Pack A.D. is loud, edgy without being noisy and obnoxious. It’s got a grungy, unpolished Jack White-ish guitar riffs along with Meg White-esque simple and clean drums. The opening of Pack’s Crazy is reminescent of the Stripes’ The Hardest Button to Button and Pack’s Everyone Looks Like Everyone has hints of Stripes’ My Doorbell. The vocals on Cobra Matte sound like Amanda Palmer from The Dresden Dolls and she’s super awesome. Even without all the similarities, it’s an awesome album that you should seriously check out. Tune in to wdcvfm.com and 88.3 to hear it played all the time.

The Slow Club: Yeah, So

I don’t know about you guys, but one thing I really look forward to about warm weather is summer music. You know what I mean–bright, cheerful, fun music that just makes the sunshine seem that much brighter. The debut full length “Yeah, So” from Sheffield, England band Slow Club is definitely a candidate for that great warm-weather album.

Slow Club consists of guitarist Charles and percussionist Rebecca. Their music is a perfect balance between folk and pop songwriting: sweet, melody-driven, and full of vocal harmonies between the two members. It’s classic and free of gimmicks, and while it may not be mindblowing, having it playing in a room will make everyone a little happier.

You can listen to Slow Club on their myspace–and, of course, by listening to WDCV!

Heavy Rotation as of April 5th

Hello Lovelies! We have been busy little beavers here, working on getting everything ready for our awesome Rock-Hop concert weekend, but that doesn’t mean that we’ve been ignoring heavy rotation! Here’s what we’ve got for you this week:

Disco Biscuits- Planet Anthem: Brotastic jam/livetronica from Philly. Some good cuts, solid synth and tight baselines.

Fugitive Souls- Strangers EP: COMING TO DICKINSON APRIL 16TH.

The Bird and The Bees- Interpreting the Masters Volume 1: A Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oats: Hall and Oates cover album Woot! Private eyes are watching you.

Josiah Wolf- Jet Lag: A member of the band Why? this cd sounds like a more chill version of what Why? usually creates.

La Strada- New Home: I wasn’t quite sure about this album at first but it really grew on me! It’s a really versatile album with a ton of different instruments and that seems to jump from genre to genre

Rotary Downs- Cracked Maps & Blue Reports: AMAZING ALBUM. A band from New Orleans with really creative lyrics and a diverse sound.

Anything you guys think we’re missing? Give us a shout and we’ll do our best to get our hands on it.

Much love,

WDCV’s Music Directors

Heavy Rotation Update!

Hey all you lovely Internet people! Wondering what’s new in WDCV’s heavy rotation? Well you’re in luck because the WDCV music directors have been busy little bees putting all sorts of new and great stuff in heavy rotation. So if you feel like your music collection is getting a little stale, check out some of these recommendations.

Drink Up Buttercup: Born and Thrown on A Hook-They are coming to DICKINSON in our Rock/Hop show!! They sound like The Beatles if they did more drugs. I’m not the only one who thinks so, honest.

Dark Dark Dark: Bright Bright Bright- Besides their awesome naming skills this is a super album with great vocals and complex chamber-pop instrumentals.

Bonobo: Black Sands- A super chill album with epic reach and massive emotional pull. It’s one guy who plays all the instruments by himself. (Written by another MD- Bonobos are monkeys that “penis fence” for real, look it up. I learned this in 9th grade bio).

Adam Green: Minor Love- Adam Green is from the group The Moldy Peaches comes out with a not so folky sound but it’s still pretty awesome- striking a good balance between tenderness and tastelessness.

Kasper Bjoke- Standing on Top of Utopia (EP): Solid downbeat electro from Denmark.

Portugal. The Man- American Ghetto: I have no idea who this sounds like, but it sounds like someone good so don’t be scared. Most of the songs are good so pick one!

Capsule-Player http://blogs.dickinson.edu/wdcvfm/2010/03/capsule-player/

Turin Brakes: Outbursts- Self proclaimed indie folk rock, but it’s not too folky I think they just call it that because some of the songs are pretty laid back. “Sea Changes” and “Mirror” are my favorite tracks of the album.

She + Him: Volume Two- I’m really excited about this album. I honestly like it better than their first one. It’s a peaceful kind of happy. You can’t go wrong with any track.
So that’s what we’ve got for you this week. Hopefully your willing to open up your ears to something new!

Hugs and Kisses,


The Modern Electric

I’m always trying to represent bands from Northeast Ohio, seeing as many people around here are always bashing Ohio for many reasons – football, politics, the stereotype of “backwardness.”  Instead of responding to criticisms by bashing all your states, I just try to change your opinion on my home.

According to their bio to LastFM, one of my time consuming websites…

“The Modern Electric is a Cleveland-based Indie-rock band. They are comprised of 4 young gentlemen, Garrett Komyati (vocals, organ/piano) Bryan Lecky (guitar) Matthew Puleo Childers (bass) and Michael O’Brien (drums). All born and raised in the Cleveland area, they play local venues and continue to expand their growing fan base and show their undying love for their city.” (http://www.last.fm/music/The+Modern+Electric)

“David Bowie (Save Us All)”  is a tribute to the rocker and my top most played song “Love and Misery” is about the songwriter wondering what he did to deserve heartbreak.

The album is available on iTunes but if you want to hear a song or two tune into my show on Mondays between 8 and 10pm.

WDCV’s Heavy Rotation (As of March 12, 2010)

Just in case you were wondering what WDCV is playing in our heavy rotation, here’s a list of what we’ve got!

Pavement- The Best Of

Manchester Orchestra-Mean Everything to Nothing

The Splinters-Kick

Frightened Rabbit-The Winter of Mixed Drinks

Rouge Wave- Permalight

Sade-Soldier of Love

The Weatherthans- Live From Burton Cummings Theater

Sambassadeur- European

LoneLady-Nerve Up

Ernest Gonzales-Been Meaning to Tell You

Quasi- American Gong

Local Natives-Gorilla Manor

Hanne Hukkelberg- Blood from A Stone

Six Gallery- Breakthroughs in Modern Art

Golden Triangle- Double Jointer

Shearwater- The Golden Archipelago

Pantha Du Prince – Black Noise

Gill Scott- Heron—I’m Not Here

Holly Miranda- The Nocycian’s Private Library

My Robot Friend- Soft Core

Jeff The Brotherhood-Heavy Days

Field Music-Measure

Datus- Neut

The Law- A Measure of Wealth

Galactic- Ya-Ka-May

Gigi- Maintenant

Los Campesinos!- Romance Is Boring

Massive Attack- Heligoland

Shannon and The Clams- I Wanna Go Home

Cute Lepers- Smart Accessories

Rachele Eve- Mouth of Feathers

Lightspeed Champion- Life Is Sweet! Nice To Meet You

WALE-Attention Deficit

 Whew! What a ridiculously awesome list of bands. It’s kind of overwhelming right? Now that I’ve got them all down, the next time I update, I will just let you know what we are putting in for that week and I’ll even give you a little blurb about the record, written by WDCV’s lovely music directors. But this should give you something to start with…

capsule – PLAYER

With WDCV’s new music blog finally up and running, I figured I’d also throw in my two cents with a review of “PLAYER,” the new album by capsule, one of my favorite groups in any genre.

For those of you who don’t know (and shame on you!) capsule is a Shibuya-kei duo from Tokyo who create some of the slickest electropop out there. They write predominantly in Japanese (although a lot of English samples make their way into their work), but that shouldn’t stop you. I absolutely love this group and I don’t even know any Japanese.

As for PLAYER, it marks the group’s tenth release via Yamaha subsidiary (and capsule-owned) label Contemode, and while perhaps not their best effort, it is indeed solid from start to finish. The album alternates between catchy vocal-laden tracks to hard-hitting instrumental jams with a few hip-hop samples thrown in for good measure. I personally tend to enjoy the vocal tracks a bit more – I recommend “I Wish You,” “Can I have a Word,” and “Love or Lies” – but the instrumental tracks like “The Music” also satisfy, even if some might find them a tad redundant. Even if electro isn’t your thing, I would still advise giving them a try…you won’t be disappointed.

Look out for it in Heavy Rotation this week, but for a quick preview, check out the following music blog: http://toomanysebastians.blogspot.com/2010/03/capsule-player.html. Enjoy!

1.) Stay With You
2.) Player
3.) I Wish You
4.) The Music
5.) Factory
6.) I Was Wrong
7.) Can I Have a Word
8.) What do you want to do
9.) Hello
10.) Love or Lies

-James W-K

Ted Leo’s “The Brutalist Bricks”

Brutalist Bricks Cover

Ted Leo says, "The cover might not make any sense at first, but if you stare at it long enough, you will go blind and then it won’t matter."

Ted Leo’s new album, “The Brutalist Bricks,” comes out tomorrow on Matador records. The album has been described by some as “peculiarly fresh,” and by me as “pretty much the greatest thing I have ever heard, ever.” Stylistically, the album follows 2007’s “Living with the Living,” but with a condensed, grittier sensibility and new energy. While the overall sound is delightfully consistent, there’s enough variety to keep things interesting, and Theodore’s songwriting really shines through. It’s a solid release that, if you are anything like me, you will play repeatedly for about a week straight.

There’s no way I can do the album justice in a few words, but luckily the album is available for free streaming on Myspace. Get into it! We’ll also be adding it to our rotation at WDCV, so you’ll get to hear it when you tune in.

Mr. Leo is currently on tour supporting the album release, and will be coming to our area around early April.