the one where i met my best friend

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This is Hooch.

Alright. Time to talk about something that I love more than anything in this entire world: my dog. Growing up, my family always had dogs. From the time I was born to the time I was about 5, we had three large dogs. One was a Bull-Mastiff named Hooch, one was a something else named Bo, and the other was a something else named Burt. If I remember correctly, Hooch was my favorite because since I was so small, I could ride her around the house like a small pony. Lucky for me, she never got mad. She was a very sweet dog. I don’t remember the other two dogs as much, but I think they were okay.

Henry wasn’t this droopy in the face, but you get the idea.

Anyways, after Hooch died when I was around five or six (a very, very traumatic experience for me), we got another dog named Henry. Henry was a Neapolitan Mastiff. He was a very good dog, although he would attack any person that was wearing a hat. He also didn’t like tomatoes.

Henry got sort of lonely, so then we got another dog named Cuba. Cuba was a drastically different dog. Up until that point, we had large dogs, but Cuba was a gray and white shih-tzu. He weighed 14 pounds, hated everybody and would nip at your heels every time you left the house.

Henry died a year or two after we got Cuba, and then we got Max. Max was also a shih-tzu, but he was black and white. He was the complete opposite of Cuba. He was much larger, around 16 pounds, and very dopey. He would run into screens and he loved everybody.

Unfortunately, Cuba died  in the fall of 2013 and we moved to Boston, so we had to give Max away. November of 2013 to June of 2014 was the longest time I have ever gone without having a dog.

This is where Maggie comes in.

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We picked up this little lady about 40 minutes from where I live from this woman who was a little more towards the weird side. Maggie was all ratty and wore ugly little bows in her hair and I thought she was disgusting. But, I really wanted a dog and she is what we got. Little did I know, that this dog would soon become the best thing that ever happened to me. We let her hair grow out a little bit more, and then brought her to the doggie hair salon, where they would make her the most beautiful she has ever been.

I’m not really sure what it is about this little dog that makes me so happy. It could be that every time I go over to her, she rolls over on her back and wiggles a little. Or, if I don’t pet her enough, she takes her little white paws and hits me in the nose. She prances around the house and wiggles her little white tail.

This is Pup Pup having an “episode”. She comes into my room and does this every night. .

She is the greatest dog I have ever had, and I can’t wait until I get to go home for winter break and snuggle with her every day.

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