Over the course of this blog, I have realized my posts have been less about my grandparents and more importantly about family. I have been privileged enough to be born into a wonderful and loving family that enjoy coming together over the absurdity of my grandparents.
My parents, brother, uncles, aunts, and cousins have regularly reached out to me to discuss my posts. I am apart of an extremely close family and I think my posts have made that seem even more apparent.
For this post, I wanted to include my brother and three other cousins on my grandmothers side and allow them to share some stories about our grandmother. My brother Adam is a 23 year old production assistant working for the New York Mets. He lived at my grandmothers house for 3 months last year while working in Baltimore.
My cousin Alyssa is a junior at The University of Florida and went on a trip to Italy with me two summers ago. Her brother Max is a sophomore in high school and the smartest 16 year old in the world. He has been labeled a walking Wikipedia and has 3 girlfriends minimum at any given point in time. Alex is the youngest cousin and is also a sophomore in high school. He is a huge sports fan and is always eager to discuss the ravens and his below average fantasy football team.
For the interview, I asked all four of them the same 5 question. Enjoy…
1. What’s your favorite memory of grandma?
Adam: All the trips and cruises she has taken us on. They are something I will never forget.
Alyssa: Traveling with her in Italy after my high school graduation.
Max:My favorite memory of grandma Ida is on one of the cruises where she got up and danced with the waiters. As the song “Low” played she danced more intense with the waiters and got everyone else to dance with her too. The whole time she was smiling and having fun while making everyone else laugh.
Alex: When she got lost in St. Maarten and we had to look for her for 4 hours and she almost didn’t make it back on the cruise ship.
2. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve seen her do?
Adam: The most embarrassing thing I have seen grandma do is probably get lost for hours in a market on some Caribbean island. The boat almost left without her. Uncle Marty was pissed. It was hilarious.
Alyssa: The most embarrassing thing I’ve seen her do was at a family event where she was dancing inappropriately with my great aunt.
Max:The most embarrassing thing I’ve seen her do is tell my friends a story about how her metal bra set off the metal detector at the airport.
Alex: All the times she dances.
3. What is your favorite story about her involving alcohol?
Adam: My favorite grandma drunk story was when she had 2 glasses of wine and then screamed at the table about how she wanted to meet young men and bring them back to her room and put a cowboy hat on the door to show people she was busy.
Alyssa: Favorite alcohol story would be her drinking wine in Italy and starting to kiss the waiter she thought was cute
Max: My favorite story about alcohol and grandma was when she was drunk at my Bar Mitzvah and started to suggestively dance in front of everyone.
Alex: I don’t know. Too many.
4. Talk about a time she got really pissed at you.
Adam: Grandma got super mad at me when I was trying to watch the Orioles game and she wanted me to get the mail. I tried to tell her I would after the game but that didn’t seem to go well with her. She turned off the TV and yelled at me for watching a stupid game. She then lectured me about how most professional athletes are rapist and thugs. Good times.
Alyssa: She got really pissed at me when I was rude to my mom and she got in the middle of it.
Max: One time Grandma got really pissed at me when we were in Brye Canyon because me and Uncle Marty went on a hike that took awhile. While we were gone, the temperature dropped and she was very angry that we left her alone in the cold without the keys to the car.
Alex: None that I can remember.
(Looks like Alex is trying to win some brownie points)
5. Describe her in 5 words or less.
Adam: 85 year old sorority girl.
Alyssa: Energetic, inspirational, loving, warm, extrovert.
Max: Happy, caring, loving, funny, wise.
Alex: Generous, a trooper, loving, talkative.