The Write Stuff

There are a lot of components that a blog should have in order to be considered good. As an avid user of the popular blogging website Tumblr, I know that there are many forms that a good blog can take. Personally, I follow blogs that range from just picures to just words. However, the majority of the blogs that I follow have a common theme, and that is the use of both pictures and words in order to keep people interested in what they’re posting.


As people’s attention spans seem to be getting shorter, so do the articles that people post online. As Brian Caroll said in his chapter seven of his book Writing for Digital Media, “Online readers do not like to read long columns of text unless the content is extremely compelling.” Blogs need to be creative. They’re not dense textbooks. Blogs need to not only give the reader the information that they came to that specific blog for, but they also need to be presented in  a way that gives the reader a sense of comfort. It needs to be shown in a way that the reader doesn’t necessariy notice. As Oliver Reichenstien once said, “Good design is invisible.” A blog that’s full of big words and pages of text without pictures is not going to be a blog that many people are attracted to.

Another thing that  Carroll believes is important for a good blog is consistency. Posting everyday allows your readers to feel as though they’re living their lives alongside yours, and that’s important.

image Connecting with your readers on a personal level is  huge part of having a successful blog. Another reason why blogging everyday is important because the simple act of writing everyday will increase the quality of your writing. The better the writing, the more interested people will be.


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