Category Archives: Student Blog Project 2015

Thursday Treasures 12/18

With the holidays just around the corner, the pressure is on to find the perfect gift for family and friends. The theme of this week is gift ideas. 1. Take a look at this list, full of suggestions that suit … Continue reading Continue reading

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Finally Back

The time has come when I am finally going back to Mendoza. I look back and I cannot believe it has been four months since I landed on America. I have enjoyed great experiences here and learnt a lot about culture, English, myself, and, surprisingly, life as a whole.   This week I want to share […] Continue reading

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Art for the Artless: Original Video

I have explored the visual art of Carlisle over the last few months. To find out some more about my story and discover what I have found, watch the video below!
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Fall/Winter 2014 Lookbook

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Semester Wrap Up

With the semester coming to a close and finals taking over all of our lives, I thought I would share with you what the Dickinson Equestrian Team has been up to all Fall. With lessons, shows, and invitationals we have been a … Continue reading Continue reading

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A Few Words From the Man Himself

I decided to record a video of my dad to share with you all. Although I have already written his story in past posts, I feel that it is important for you all to hear the story from the man himself! My hope is that this video allows those who have not had the pleasure of actually meeting my […] Continue reading

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Music and Film: A Video Essay

I wanted to write a post about how you can use music in film to enhance your film. I thought since music has to be heard to be understood I would make a video essay. Even though I’ve made videos before working with other people’s footage was a new experience for me, so I hope you […] Continue reading

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Turtles and Running

This is one of my favorite poems and has been for most of my life—don’t poke fun!! I used to ask my dad to read The Children’s Book of Virtues to me every night, specifically the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, which, as we all know, is a story of hard work and… Continue reading

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A little personal reflection…

As I sit in the library preparing for my final exams, all I can think about is that in 3 weeks I will be on a plane on my way to London. This semester I have shared my dad’s wonderful story with you all and his joyful reunion with family. However, I have yet to meet […] Continue reading

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Homeward Bound

This time last year, I was on a plane back to America. It was a bittersweet plane ride. I was torn in two. While a part of me couldn’t wait to be home with… Continue reading Continue reading

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