Behind the Data: ALLARM’s Data Exploration Workshop

On Wednesday April 13th, Julie Vastine (Director), Candie Wilderman (ALLARM’s Founder and Science Advisor), Stephanie Letourneau (Community Science Specialist), and Phoebe Galione (Outreach Manager) presented a two-hour long, virtual workshop to Stream Team volunteers across Pennsylvania about how to find the stories hidden within their…

Climate Change, Water Quality, and Community-Centered Solutions

On March 29th, ALLARM kicked off the 2022 Climate Justice Teach-In, hosted by Dickinson College, with a session on Climate Change, Water Quality, and Community-Centered Solutions. Our presenters included student watershed coordinators Claudia Bonaccorsi (‘22) and Charlotte Kratovil-Lavelle (‘24), as well as senior staff members…

Lycoming-Clinton’s First Stream Team Workshop!

On March 22nd, ALLARM met virtually with Lycoming-Clinton Stream Team for a training covering water sampling and monitoring procedures. The workshop was led by Director Julie Vastine, Community Science Specialist Stephanie Letourneau and student watershed coordinators Cat Dickman 22’, Charlotte Kratovil-Lavelle ‘24, Prerana Patil ’24…

Online Training with The New York Water Sentinels

On February 24th, 2022, six members of the ALLARM team conducted a virtual, 2.5 hour stream monitoring workshop for the New York Water Sentinels. The New York Water Sentinels developed a monitoring study design during the pandemic to generate nutrient and baseline data in watersheds…

My First Equipment Distribution

On Monday February 28, I accompanied Stephanie Letourneau (Community Science Specialist) and Charlotte Kratovil-Lavelle ‘24 on a trip to Lycoming County to distribute equipment to our Stream Team volunteers. Armed with gauge sticks, turbidity tubes, sampling poles, and monitoring kits, we set off to meet…

Macros, Macros and More Macros, Oh My!

On Thursday, October 28th, Candie Wilderman (Founder & Science Advisor), Stephanie Letourneau (Community Science Specialist), Phoebe Galione (Outreach Manager), Jinnie Monismith (Science Advisor), Cat Dickman ‘22, Darcy Bromley ‘22, Michelle Hom ‘24, and Michelle Cao ‘25, presented together in a Macroinvertebrate Webinar open to all…

My Sustainability Day Experience

Campus Sustainability Day took place on Thursday, October 28 on Dickinson College’s Britton Plaza. With many college organizations in attendance, ALLARM among them, the event highlighted sustainable action on campus and allowed attendees to learn more about organizations like Dickinson’s Center for Sustainable Education and…

Equipment Drop-Off & Training in Erie, PA!

On Tuesday, October 5th, Julie Vastine (Director) and I drove up to Erie, Pennsylvania to drop off monitoring equipment for the Pennsylvania Lake Erie Watershed Association (PLEWA). Upon our arrival, Julie and I met with the leadership team of PLEWA to discuss their monitoring study…

Macroinvertebrate Collection: An Exciting First!

On Saturday October 2nd, ALLARM piloted using the Chesapeake Bay Program Macroinvertebrate collection method with Stream Team volunteers in York, PA at Mill Creek. The event was exciting, and the weather was perfect for our activities. We were surprised after driving through urban York to…

Stream Team Meeting at Opossum Lake

On Monday, September 20th, ALLARMies Stephanie Letourneau (Community Science Specialist), Phoebe Galione (Outreach Manager), Michelle Hom ’24, and I hosted a meeting with the Cumberland County Stream Team at Opossum Lake. The meeting was a chance for us to collect quality control samples from volunteers,…

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