Living History

house.jpgI found an amazing article about various historical moments in Carlisle, PA from the Washington Post called “A Town with Mettle”. This article was written by Christine H.O’Toole she does a great job creating a visual historic representation of Carlisle History. One thing that I found very interesting was the 200-year- old bed-and-breakfast that is still open today! It’s located over on Hanover past the Comfort Suites. In the article the women that owns the bed-and-breakfast talks about how the ghost of Jessie Ewing, a former owner, still resides in her bed room. This article is also very interesting because it states that Ben Franklin stayed in what became Mandy’s coffeehouse (formerly on the Square) in 1753 when he was trying to negotiate a treaty with Indians of six different Nations. HOW COOL IS ALL OF THIS!!! Please check out these two different articles and let me know what you think.

Washington Post article
Preserve America Article


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