Eileen Bear Interview, 1999

I found the interview of Eileen Bear, who has worked in the President’s Office since the mid-1980s to be very interesting. During the interview, she tells of the different jobs that she’s had throughout her lifetime, including working on her parents’ farm, and the reasons for why she took them. A main factor in her decisions was her family and her desire to be with her children as much as possible. She talks about watching Dickinson presidents come and go, which was also interesting to read about.

As far as the interview itself, the interviewer adapted to what Bear was saying, allowing the interview to flow well. However, the grammatical mistakes and awkwardness of some of the questions can be a bit distracting when trying to read. I suppose our class should watch out when trying to phrase an unscripted question and when we transcribe. However, these are minor things, and overall the interview is well done.


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