Author Archives: Ryan Burke

The First Newspaper in Carlisle

In J. Perry Wood’s 1901 paper on Publicity in Carlisle for his Dickinson Sociology Class, he discusses the history of newspapers in Carlisle. He recognizes that the “‘Carlisle Weekly Gazette’” was the first newspaper in Carlisle as well as “the … Continue reading

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Alumni Network

In a 1901 sociology paper titled, “A Study of the Alumni of Dickinson College,” Harry E. Crow discusses former Dickinsonians and notes their current placements within the workforce – as professionals, teachers, diplomats, and many more.  He explores the interests of … Continue reading

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Carlisle’s Charitable Works

Robert H. Humphreville, a student in a 1901 Dickinson College Sociology class, wrote a paper entitled  “Charities of Carlisle.” In his paper, he discusses the various insitutions that provided services to Carlisle residents. Stating that the “present facilitites ofr taking care of … Continue reading

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Poor Relief

In a 1901 sociology paper,”Leaders in Social,Business, Manufacturing, Religious, Medical, and Political Affairs of Carlisle” , Joseph P. Lord  explains that Carlisle officals  made a valid effort to assist those who are poor or disabled.  According to Lord, “The duties of a [town … Continue reading

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A Long Military Tradition

Carlisle has been involved in the military history of the United States from the very beginning. Carlisle has has been involved in various wars and conflicts, including the Revolutionary War, the “whiskey rebellion,” and the War of 1812. This is … Continue reading

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Church Attendance

In a 1901 sociology paper, “The Churches of Carlisle”, Dorsey N. Miller acknowledges that the overwhelming majority (75%) of church goers are women. He poses the following questions: “Why is it that more men ar enot found at church? Is … Continue reading

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Carlisle’s Retail Industry in 1901

According to a paper written by E.F. Hann for a Dickinson College Sociology class in 1901, there were a multitude of retail establishments in Carlisle in the early 1900s. The author portrays the diverse services offered by the 149 merchants … Continue reading

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Sanitary Conditions of Carlisle: Past and Present

In Sanitary Conditions of Carlisle, an essay dating back to 1901, former Dickinson College student Geo. Cisney describes Carlisle’s sanitary conditions. He writes: “While the sanitary condition of Carlisle is not ideal in many respects yet the people are steadily progressive and make … Continue reading

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Carlisle Farmers Markets Boasts Rich History

One of the joys of living in Carlisle has always been the ability to buy fresh produce from local farmers markets.   The markets date back earlier then the 1900’s and have been providing fresh produce to the Carlisle community and others nearby for … Continue reading

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Industry in Carlisle

The Special Collections library at Dickinson College has a collection of student papers from a 1901 Sociology class, which describe various aspects of Carlisle at that time.  According to a paper by William H. Ames, Carlisle boasted the following industries: … Continue reading

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