
Macarons: Bibliography

Bibliography (1)Luangsakul, N.; Chiralaksanakul, N. The Effects of the Reduced Sugar on Macaron Quality. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 2020, 16 (5). (2)Csibi-Levin, F. The Science behind Macarons. docmacaron.com. November 29, 2022. https://docmacaron.com/492/science-behind-macarons/#Science_Behind_Macarons (accessed 2023-04-12). (3)Masson, S.; Gabriel Bachillerato, S.; Eugenia, C.; Figueras, D. The Science behind Patisserie a Chemical, Physical, and Biological Science; 2014. https://www.edubcn.cat/rcs_gene/treballs_recerca/2014-2015-05-1-TR_baixa.pdf (accessed 2023-04-12). (4)Potter, J. Cooking for …

Science of Adapted Recipes

Adapted Recipe French Crêpes:

Photo from : https://whatsinthepan.com/buckwheat-crepes/ The significance of flour in forming the structure and texture of the batter is one scientific component of preparing French crêpes. The gluten in the flour provides the batter for crêpes its elasticity and stretch, and the starches add to the batter’s thickness and viscosity. However, the final texture of the …

Science of Brownies

     Brownies are a classic dessert loved by many people. They’re delicious, chewy, and have an intense, rich chocolate taste. The dense but fluffy chocolate bars are a nostalgic dessert for many and are very easy to bake. One thing that divides people, however, is whether they prefer their brownies to be more fudgy …