1885: The Bulletin of Atlanta University

This discussion of the Furber Cottage in the 1885 bulletin provides insight into the middle class gender norms advanced by institutions like Atlanta University. The article describes how black women can practice running a household and thus aspire to its namesake, “a most worthy example of the type of Christian woman and housekeeper which we desire to reproduce in our girls.” (pg. 3)

Another piece in the same edition describes the Grammar and Normal Departments at Atlanta University, noting that “regular attention is given to Bible study, to temperance, physiology and hygiene” and that “Constant, moral and Christian instruction is given in connection with all regular work.” (pg. 3)

A final discussion of religious conversions at Atlanta University suggests that the Southern temperance cause had attracted funding to the institution: “There have been given considerable sums for French Missions in Canada, the McCall Mission in France, Chinese work in California, Indian missions in Dakota, temperance work in the South, as well as for the support of pupils in Indian schools and in China and Turkey.” (pg. 4)