
This is a working timeline and will be updated as my research progresses:

1828- First Meeting of the Georgia State Temperance Society

1836- Georgia State Temperance Society shifts to tee-total pledge

1851- Maine passes statewide prohibition law

1855- Methodist minister B.H. Overby launches campaign for governor on prohibition platform

1861-1865- Civil War

1869- First Order of Good Templars lodge in the state

1870- First Odd Fellows Lodge organized in Atlanta

1871- First Prince Hall Masonic Lodge organized in Atlanta

1873- First True Reformer Fountain organized in Black Atlanta

1874- Woman’s Christian Temperance Union founded

1875- First Good Samaritans lodge organized in Atlanta

1880- First WCTU society established in Georgia

1881- Frances Willard’s Southern Tour

1883- Georgia statewide WCTU organized

1885- Passage of Georgia’ General Local Option Law

1885, Nov. 25- Fulton County’s first local option election – prohibitionist victory

1887- Georgia’s first No. 2 Union established at Friendship Baptist Church in Atlanta

1887, Nov 26- Fulton County’s second local option election- anti-prohibitionist victory

1888- Consultation Convention of Leading Colored Men of Georgia held in Macon

1888- Benjamin Harrison wins the presidency; Republicans recapture both houses of Congress

1890- Force Bill inspires Southern fear of black dominated Reconstruction government

1893- Candler leads anti-WCTU movement in reaction to suffrage influence

1894- Ida B. Wells goes to the UK and criticizes Willard’s racial rhetoric

1895- Cotton Exhibition (Booker T. Washington’s Opening address, National Colored Woman’s Congress, Georgia Swift King’s speech on Scientific temperance)

1895- Georgia Swift King speaks at the National WCTU Convention Baltimore, MD

1896- Plessy v. Ferguson

1902- Sledd Affair sparks public outrage when Emory professor publishes anti-lynching editorial

1906 (Summer)- reports of black sexual assaults of white women fill Atlantan papers

1906, September 22-24- Atlanta Race Riot

1907, July 30- State prohibition passes in Georgia

1908- Georgia disenfranchises black voters by constitutional amendment

1918- Georgia ratifies Eighteenth Amendment

1935- Georgia repeals statewide prohibition