Primary Sources


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  • 1859-04-04 “The Fugitive Slave Case”

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New York Tribune ( and Genealogy Bank)

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Pennsylvania Freeman (Genealogy Bank)

Philadelphia Inquirer (Genealogy Bank)

Philadelphia Daily Pennsylvanian (Genealogy Bank)

Philadelphia North American (Genealogy Bank)

Philadelphia Press (Genealogy Bank)

Pittsburgh, PA Daily Post (

  • 1850-11-21 Commissioner Jacob Bowman Sweizer Appointment

Pittsburgh, PA Saturday Morning Visiter (Penn State University)

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Raleigh, NC Weekly Register (

Richmond, VA Daily Dispatch (Genealogy Bank)

Sandusky, OH Commercial Register (Genealogy Bank)

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Springfield, IL Daily Illinois Journal (Genealogy Bank)

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  • 1857-08-03 “Fugitive Slave Case: Decision of the Commissioner”
  • 1860-02-13 “Rendition of a Fugitive Slave”

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Washington, D.C. National Intelligencer (

Washington, D.C. National Republican (

Archival Collections

Clinton Special Collections, Tutt Library, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO

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  • Governors Papers (correspondence with U.S. Commissioner Richard McAllister)

Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City, MO

  • Governors Papers (correspondence with U.S. Commissioner Edward Ingraham)

National Archives and Records Administration, Philadelphia, PA:

  • Record Group 21
    • Habeas Corpus Case Files, 1848-1862

National Archives and Records Administration, Washington D.C.:

  • Record Group 217, Settled Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT:

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