Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
LALC 101-01 | Introduction to Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies Instructor: Santiago Anria Course Description: A multi-disciplinary, introductory course designed to familiarize students with the regions through a study of their history, economics, politics, literature, and culture in transnational and comparative perspective. The purpose of the course is to provide a framework that will prepare students for more specialized courses in particular disciplines and specific areas of LALC studies. Required of all LALC majors. |
0900:TR DENNY 211 |
LALC 200-01
POSC 290-01 |
Social Movements in Latin America Instructor: Santiago Anria Course Description: Cross-listed with POSC 290-01. Social movements have long played an important role in Latin American politics. This course provides an overview of historical and contemporary social movements, exploring the conditions that facilitate (or inhibit) collective action, the construction of collective identities, the dynamics of social protest, and the political impact of social movements, including their connection with political parties. Readings will cover different theoretical perspectives, different historical periods, and a wide array of old and new social movements, including, among others, indigenous peoples movements, womens movements, and movements representing unemployed workers and the urban poor. Special attention will be given to the impact of democratization, market liberalization, and the regions Left turn on diverse types of social actors. |
1330:TF DENNY 203 |
LALC 200-02
FMST 210-03 SPAN 231-04 |
Framing the Marginal I/Eye Instructor: Amaury Sosa Course Description: Cross-listed with SPAN 231-04 and FMST 210-03. How is the marginal I/Eye fashioned and embodied in its encounter with power and other individuals? In what ways does the I/Eye serve as an organizing principle around which tactics and strategies of resistance, revolt, and social justice are mobilized? In this course, we will explore the different ways individuals go about occupying that I/Eye, how they maintain and/or challenge it, and how they are compelled and/or inspired to present it to themselves and those around them. Our primary objects of study will be texts produced in Spain, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and the visual reproductions carried out by film directors from these regions as well as from the United States. On one hand, our conversations will center on the historical, cultural, political space marginal writers, artists, activists occupied and the I-texts they composed. On the other, our discussions will assess the cinematic eye each director crafted in their adaptation and appropriation of the marginal I. Throughout, we will address and unpack the ethical and aesthetic negotiations present in packaging these subject/visual positions. |
1330:MR BOSLER 305 |
LALC 200-03
SPAN 231-05 |
Contemporary Satire in Latin America Instructor: Shawn Stein Course Description: Cross-listed with SPAN 231-05. The objective of this course is to analyze the use of the satiric mode through contemporary cultural production (short stories, films, comics, songs, essays) from different countries in Latin America. Students will acquire appropriate technical and analytical vocabulary to begin reading, writing and discussing elements of the satiric mode (for example, irony, parody and the grotesque) and understanding the satiric tradition in Latin America. We will explore the ways in which historical, social and political topics (democracy, equality, liberty, justice, censorship, prejudice, taboos, stereotypes and identity) inform different cultural productions with satiric impulses. |
1500:TF BOSLER 313 |
LALC 231-01
HIST 131-01 |
Modern Latin American History since 1800 Instructor: Marcelo Borges Course Description: Cross-listed with HIST 131-01. Introduction to Latin American history since independence and the consolidation of national states to the recent past. Students explore social, economic, and political developments from a regional perspective as well as specific national examples. This course is cross-listed as HIST 131. |
0900:TR DENNY 110 |
LALC 272-01
AFST 220-02 HIST 272-01 |
The Atlantic Slave Trade and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1450-1850 Instructor: Jeremy Ball Course Description: Cross-listed with HIST 272-01 and AFST 220-02. During several centuries of European colonization in the New World, a thriving slave trade forced the emigration of millions of Africans across the Atlantic-an immigration far larger than the simultaneous immigration of Europeans to the same regions. We will address not only the workings of the slave trade on both sides (and in the middle) of the Atlantic, but also the cultural communities of West and West-Central Africa and encounters and exchanges in the new slave societies of North and South America. Through examination of work processes, social orders, cultural strategies and influences, and ideas about race and geography, across time and in several regions, we will explore the crucial roles of Africans in the making of the Atlantic world. This course is cross-listed as HIST 272. Offered every two years. |
1030:TR DENNY 313 |
LALC 300-01
PORT 380-01 SPAN 380-01 |
Cultures of Soccer (Futebol/Fútbol) in Latin America Instructor: Shawn Stein Course Description: Cross-listed with PORT 380-01 and SPAN 380-01. With billions of fans, soccer (Brazilian futebol, Spanish American ftbol or European football) is the world’s most popular sport. In order to gain a greater understanding of the phenomenon that takes place in stadiums, fields, and homes across the planet, this course examines cultural production (literature, film and art) of soccer from Latin America and scholarship on sport and society, with a focus on fair play and the impact that both the beautiful and ugly elements of the game have on individual and collective identities (nation/region, sex/gender, ethnicity, class and religion). This course will be taught in English with FLIC option for PORT or SPAN credit. |
1330:TF BOSLER 313 |
LALC 385-01
SPAN 385-01 |
Self and the City: Latinx Literature, Film, Popular Culture Instructor: Amaury Sosa Course Description: Cross-listed with SPAN 385-01. How have Latinx individuals and communities crafted their identities, how have they represented their differences? How have they made sense of their past, and what futures have they imagined? What terrains have they navigated, shaped, and/or redefined in understanding, creating, and narrating their diverse experiences, and how have these spaces aided and/or challenged their Latinx subjectivities? In this course, we will focus on the spatial politics of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, nationality, and language as we study, interrogate, and relate the identity and place accorded to and set by Latinxs individuals and communities. Throughout, we will turn to a variety of texts from the early modern to the contemporary, from the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Spain: poetry, spoken word, short story, music, novel, performance art, essay, and film, in order to investigate the ways in which Latinxs have elaborated a sense of self and place. |
1030:TR ALTHSE 07 |
LALC 390-01
SPAN 410-01 |
Building Meaningful Spaces from the 19th Century: A Case Study of Chile Instructor: Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger Course Description: Cross-listed with SPAN 410-01. For a period of over seven months in 2011, Chilean students dissatisfied with their countrys education system inherited from Augusto Pinochets dictatorship territorialized public spaces to express their discontent and to clamor for change. They not only participated in highly coordinated marches, flash mobs (to include Michael Jacksons Thriller), among other theatrical activities; they also occupied education and public buildings, and marked historical monuments of national importance with graffiti and props. Almost 170 years after the University of Chile’s opening, the meaningful actions and writings offered in the contemporary context of the protests resignified the University’s walls, the iconic monument of the institution’s founding father (Andrs Bello) and, arguably, the Universitys inaugural address that he offered in 1843. This course examines the signification of a series of “spaces” (physical, ideological, etc.) rooted in the 19th century, to discuss their plausible signification for the building of the Chilean nation following independence and, many times, beyond. Several “spaces” to be studied may include: Philadelphia and Ecuador (in the work of Camilo Henrquez); Argentina, and Chile as a place of exile (Esteban Echeverra; Domingo Faustino Sarmiento); the Church of La Compaa (Bello, Sarmiento, Mercedes Marn de Solar, Jos Antonio Soffia, and the more contemporary work of Englishman, Canon Keith Evans); mines (Jotabeche, Baldomero Lillo, and materials from the 2010 Copiap mining accident); and other centers and peripheries in the context of the 19th century (Daniel Barros Grez and Jotabeche (Santiago and the provincias); and Alberto Blest Gana (Santiago and the provincias, again, the space of mining towns, France in Chile; and the contested territory of the mapuches). |
1330:W BOSLER 314 |
LALC 490-01 | Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies Senior Research Seminar Instructor: Marcelo Borges Course Description: Research into a topic concerning Latin America directed by two or more faculty representing at least two disciplines. Students must successfully defend their research paper to obtain course credit. The paper is researched and written in the fall semester for one-half course credit and then defended and revised in the spring semester for the other half credit. Prerequisite: senior majors. |
1500:M WESTC 1 |
LALC 500-01 | Rural Social Movements in Latin America Instructor: Marcelo Borges Course Description: |
LALC 550-01 | Public Art and Resistance in Latin America Instructor: Marcelo Borges Course Description: |
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