Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
LALC 101-01 | Introduction to Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies Instructor: Santiago Anria Course Description: A multi-disciplinary, introductory course designed to familiarize students with the regions through a study of their history, economics, politics, literature, and culture in transnational and comparative perspective. The purpose of the course is to provide a framework that will prepare students for more specialized courses in particular disciplines and specific areas of LALC studies. Required of all LALC majors. |
0900:TR DENNY 211 |
LALC 200-01
POSC 290-01 |
Social Movements in Latin America Instructor: Santiago Anria Course Description: Cross-listed with POSC 290-01. Social movements have long played an important role in Latin American politics. This course provides an overview of historical and contemporary social movements, exploring the conditions that facilitate (or inhibit) collective action, the construction of collective identities, the dynamics of social protest, and the political impact of social movements, including their connection with political parties. Readings will cover different theoretical perspectives, different historical periods, and a wide array of old and new social movements, including, among others, indigenous peoples movements, womens movements, and movements representing unemployed workers and the urban poor. Special attention will be given to the impact of democratization, market liberalization, and the regions Left turn on diverse types of social actors. |
1330:TF DENNY 203 |
LALC 200-02
FMST 210-03 SPAN 231-04 |
Framing the Marginal I/Eye Instructor: Amaury Sosa Course Description: Cross-listed with SPAN 231-04 and FMST 210-03. How is the marginal I/Eye fashioned and embodied in its encounter with power and other individuals? In what ways does the I/Eye serve as an organizing principle around which tactics and strategies of resistance, revolt, and social justice are mobilized? In this course, we will explore the different ways individuals go about occupying that I/Eye, how they maintain and/or challenge it, and how they are compelled and/or inspired to present it to themselves and those around them. Our primary objects of study will be texts produced in Spain, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and the visual reproductions carried out by film directors from these regions as well as from the United States. On one hand, our conversations will center on the historical, cultural, political space marginal writers, artists, activists occupied and the I-texts they composed. On the other, our discussions will assess the cinematic eye each director crafted in their adaptation and appropriation of the marginal I. Throughout, we will address and unpack the ethical and aesthetic negotiations present in packaging these subject/visual positions. |
1330:MR BOSLER 305 |
LALC 200-03
SPAN 231-05 |
Contemporary Satire in Latin America Instructor: Shawn Stein Course Description: Cross-listed with SPAN 231-05. The objective of this course is to analyze the use of the satiric mode through contemporary cultural production (short stories, films, comics, songs, essays) from different countries in Latin America. Students will acquire appropriate technical and analytical vocabulary to begin reading, writing and discussing elements of the satiric mode (for example, irony, parody and the grotesque) and understanding the satiric tradition in Latin America. We will explore the ways in which historical, social and political topics (democracy, equality, liberty, justice, censorship, prejudice, taboos, stereotypes and identity) inform different cultural productions with satiric impulses. |
1500:TF BOSLER 313 |
LALC 231-01
HIST 131-01 |
Modern Latin American History since 1800 Instructor: Marcelo Borges Course Description: Cross-listed with HIST 131-01. Introduction to Latin American history since independence and the consolidation of national states to the recent past. Students explore social, economic, and political developments from a regional perspective as well as specific national examples. This course is cross-listed as HIST 131. |
0900:TR DENNY 110 |
LALC 272-01
AFST 220-02 HIST 272-01 |
The Atlantic Slave Trade and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1450-1850 Instructor: Jeremy Ball Course Description: Cross-listed with HIST 272-01 and AFST 220-02. During several centuries of European colonization in the New World, a thriving slave trade forced the emigration of millions of Africans across the Atlantic-an immigration far larger than the simultaneous immigration of Europeans to the same regions. We will address not only the workings of the slave trade on both sides (and in the middle) of the Atlantic, but also the cultural communities of West and West-Central Africa and encounters and exchanges in the new slave societies of North and South America. Through examination of work processes, social orders, cultural strategies and influences, and ideas about race and geography, across time and in several regions, we will explore the crucial roles of Africans in the making of the Atlantic world. This course is cross-listed as HIST 272. Offered every two years. |
1030:TR DENNY 313 |
LALC 300-01
PORT 380-01 SPAN 380-01 |
Cultures of Soccer (Futebol/Fútbol) in Latin America Instructor: Shawn Stein Course Description: Cross-listed with PORT 380-01 and SPAN 380-01. With billions of fans, soccer (Brazilian futebol, Spanish American ftbol or European football) is the world’s most popular sport. In order to gain a greater understanding of the phenomenon that takes place in stadiums, fields, and homes across the planet, this course examines cultural production (literature, film and art) of soccer from Latin America and scholarship on sport and society, with a focus on fair play and the impact that both the beautiful and ugly elements of the game have on individual and collective identities (nation/region, sex/gender, ethnicity, class and religion). This course will be taught in English with FLIC option for PORT or SPAN credit. |
1330:TF BOSLER 313 |
LALC 385-01
SPAN 385-01 |
Self and the City: Latinx Literature, Film, Popular Culture Instructor: Amaury Sosa Course Description: Cross-listed with SPAN 385-01. How have Latinx individuals and communities crafted their identities, how have they represented their differences? How have they made sense of their past, and what futures have they imagined? What terrains have they navigated, shaped, and/or redefined in understanding, creating, and narrating their diverse experiences, and how have these spaces aided and/or challenged their Latinx subjectivities? In this course, we will focus on the spatial politics of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, nationality, and language as we study, interrogate, and relate the identity and place accorded to and set by Latinxs individuals and communities. Throughout, we will turn to a variety of texts from the early modern to the contemporary, from the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Spain: poetry, spoken word, short story, music, novel, performance art, essay, and film, in order to investigate the ways in which Latinxs have elaborated a sense of self and place. |
1030:TR ALTHSE 07 |
LALC 390-01
SPAN 410-01 |
Building Meaningful Spaces from the 19th Century: A Case Study of Chile Instructor: Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger Course Description: Cross-listed with SPAN 410-01. For a period of over seven months in 2011, Chilean students dissatisfied with their countrys education system inherited from Augusto Pinochets dictatorship territorialized public spaces to express their discontent and to clamor for change. They not only participated in highly coordinated marches, flash mobs (to include Michael Jacksons Thriller), among other theatrical activities; they also occupied education and public buildings, and marked historical monuments of national importance with graffiti and props. Almost 170 years after the University of Chile’s opening, the meaningful actions and writings offered in the contemporary context of the protests resignified the University’s walls, the iconic monument of the institution’s founding father (Andrs Bello) and, arguably, the Universitys inaugural address that he offered in 1843. This course examines the signification of a series of “spaces” (physical, ideological, etc.) rooted in the 19th century, to discuss their plausible signification for the building of the Chilean nation following independence and, many times, beyond. Several “spaces” to be studied may include: Philadelphia and Ecuador (in the work of Camilo Henrquez); Argentina, and Chile as a place of exile (Esteban Echeverra; Domingo Faustino Sarmiento); the Church of La Compaa (Bello, Sarmiento, Mercedes Marn de Solar, Jos Antonio Soffia, and the more contemporary work of Englishman, Canon Keith Evans); mines (Jotabeche, Baldomero Lillo, and materials from the 2010 Copiap mining accident); and other centers and peripheries in the context of the 19th century (Daniel Barros Grez and Jotabeche (Santiago and the provincias); and Alberto Blest Gana (Santiago and the provincias, again, the space of mining towns, France in Chile; and the contested territory of the mapuches). |
1330:W BOSLER 314 |
LALC 490-01 | Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies Senior Research Seminar Instructor: Marcelo Borges Course Description: Research into a topic concerning Latin America directed by two or more faculty representing at least two disciplines. Students must successfully defend their research paper to obtain course credit. The paper is researched and written in the fall semester for one-half course credit and then defended and revised in the spring semester for the other half credit. Prerequisite: senior majors. |
1500:M WESTC 1 |
LALC 500-01 | Rural Social Movements in Latin America Instructor: Marcelo Borges Course Description: |
LALC 550-01 | Public Art and Resistance in Latin America Instructor: Marcelo Borges Course Description: |
Category: Courses
Fall 2017:
LALC 101-Introduction to Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies
A multi-disciplinary, introductory course designed to familiarize students with the regions through a study of their history, economics, politics, literature, and culture in transnational and comparative perspective. The purpose of the course is to provide a framework that will prepare students for more specialized courses in particular disciplines and specific areas of LALC studies.
LALC 121 – Introduction to Africana Studies
This interdisciplinary introduction to Africana Studies combines teaching foundational texts in the field with instruction in critical reading and writing. The course will cover Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade, the creation of African Disaporic communities, the conceptualization and representation of Black culture and identity, and the intellectual and institutional development of Black and Africana Studies.
LALC 200 – Writing About Sexuality and Cinema
The primary goal of this writing intensive course is to develop students’ writing skills in Spanish. Both in class and homework assignments approach writing as a process, and students will engage in drafts, peer editing, and revisions of their work. The course’s central aim is to help students in the development of ideas, creativity, organization, and basic research skills that shape strong academic writing. Throughout the semester students will broaden their lexicon and knowledge of Hispanic cultures through the critical analysis of film and literature. As we analyze various representations of sexuality, we will discuss what these expressions of pleasure and desire tell us about cultural practices, beliefs, values, and social institutions. In addition to readings, you will be asked to watch films outside of class.
LALC 200 – Lusomusics
This course investigates select musical genres and soundscapes in 20th-21st century Portugal, Cape Verde, Angola, and Brazil as a lens into understanding four national cultures interlinked through a common language, geographical positioning in relation to the Atlantic ocean, and histories of Portuguese colonialism. Working with a wide range of case studies, from urban and popular music genres, to revivals of traditional music and dance, to newly emergent expressive forms, “Lusomusics” uses musical ethnographies, histories, and sound and video recordings as the materials through which to think about colonialism/post-colonialism, culture, musical circulation, and contact. Likewise, this course introduces students to the analytic tools to think critically about the production and packaging of “lusomusics” and their histories for international markets for “world music.”
LALC 200 – Black and Latinx Intersections
As Latinx population growth outpaced African American population growth over the course of the 2000s, a discourse of conflict and competition between the two groups started to take center stage. Scholars, journalists, and pundits argued that the new status of Latinxs as the “majority minority” population in the United States would diminish Black political and economic power and further exacerbate tensions between African American and Latinx groups. This course troubles sensationalistic accounts of Black and Latinx conflict by focusing on what interactions between African Americans and Latinx groups illuminate about race and power relations in the United States. We will focus special attention on the history of coalitional organizing between African American and Latinx groups, as well as the ways that Afro-Latinxs challenge narrow understandings of both Blackness and Latinidad. Ultimately, students will learn about the shifting history of racial power relations in the United States and the coalitional efforts undertaken by marginalized groups in order to affect social change.
LALC 200 – Race, Ethnicity, and Hybridity
This course examines the constructions, lived experiences and politics of race, ethnicity and hybridity. The course will explore the historical evolution of the concept of race, the ways in which race and ethnicity are overlapping classification categories that are embedded in relations of power, and the social, cultural and biological outcomes of extended contact and mixture. Whereas the majority of scholarship on race and ethnicity considers the dynamics of these social scientific categories and processes of formation through the lens of interactions between a dominant group (usually occupying the racial category of white) and a subordinated or minoritized group (usually racialized as black or brown), this course shifts the gaze to the politics of race and ethnicity between historically oppressed ethnic groups—those of African ethnic origin and those of various Asian ethnicities.
Using case studies mainly from the Caribbean, but also from the US and Africa, we will examine the anthropological, sociological, literary, musical and filmic documentation and analyses of Afro/Asian mixture and will explore how racial identities, interethnic relations, gender, sexuality, religious practices, politics, and festivity have been influenced by mixing and creolizing processes.
LALC 200 – Women in Drug Trafficking
Across the world and throughout history, statistics have shown that men commit more crimes than women. However, in recent years women’s involvement with drug trafficking in Latin America has grown exponentially. The main goal of this class is to analyze women’s diverse and complex participation in drug trafficking while developing writing skills in Spanish. How are women represented? What are women saying? Does women’s participation in drug trafficking challenge traditional rules and values? Are traditional notions of femininity and masculinity redefined? Students will read testimonials and interviews and will compare them to short stories, films, and songs. The course content will mainly focus on Mexico.
LALC 200 – Latina/o Popular Culture
This course will examine how the increasing diversity of audiences, voices, and participants in popular culture point to deficits, needs, and changes in American culture. Focusing specifically on Latinas/os, we will analyze representation of Latinas/os in a variety of different genres – music, film, sports, and television – for what they tell us about race, gender, class, sexuality, citizenship, and language. We will look particularly at how Latinas/os negotiate mainstream media representations and create new forms of culture expression. Exploring how Latinas/os produce media representations that defy both narrow understandings of Latinidad as well as dominant U.S. culture, class discussion will explore how identity is produced and contested through popular culture.
LALC 200 – Analyzing Latin American Literature
This course will focus on developing students’ writing skills as we read a wide selection of Latin American literature, from the pre-Columbian period through the present. Emphasis will be placed on developing techniques for performing close readings and how to write a convincing literary analysis in Spanish.
LALC 200 – World Migrations Since 1850
This course will examine human mobility since the middle of the nineteenth century by comparing different historical moments, societies, and experiences. The basic questions it seeks to address are: Why have people moved in different historical moments and across different spaces? How have they been received by other societies? What regimes of state control have emerged over time and why? Why have some migrants been welcomed as new citizens while others have been rejected as a menace to receiving societies’ values and culture? How have migrants accommodated to or challenged the reality of migration and transnational lives? It will include a wide variety of migrant experiences, such as labor migrations, migrations in imperial and post-colonial spaces, family migration, and displaced peoples and refugees.
LALC 295 – Introduction to U.S. Latina/o Literature and Culture
This interdisciplinary introduction to Latina/o Studies discusses foundational historical, cultural, political, artistic, and literary texts of the U.S. Latina/o community. This class will cover diasporic movements and issues of identity, with a particular focus on the Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Cuban-American diaspora.
LALC 300 – Cubania and Cuban Cinema
We will explore how film and documentary media shape national subjectivities in their presentation of history, culture, gender, sexuality, and politics. We will further our inquiry through readings, both in English and Spanish, from books and scholarly articles. Students should expect to invest a significant amount of time on film viewings outside of class, assigned readings, and multiple writing assignments as they sharpen their ability to analyze film content and technique. Participation in the May 21-28, 2018 trip to Cuba will be open to anyone taking this class. MetaMovments will be organizing the trip with a focus on developing an historical understanding of the African influence on Cuban culture and life over several Centuries; engaging with academics & historians, specializing in the multiple branches of Afro-Cuban ancestry: Yoruba, Congo, Arara, and Abakua, as well as strong Haitian & Jamaican traditions; and being immersed in the dance and music of the island, from the Afro-Cuban roots to the Salsa of today. Students will be have the opportunity to practice Afro-Cuban music and dance with groups like Raices Profundo and visit the International Film School and talk with filmmakers.
LALC 300 – African American Cultural Engagement with Cuba, 1859-1959
This course examines the history and politics of African American travel to Cuba from 1859 to 1960. Imagined accounts of African American travel to Cuba begin with Martin R. Delany’s novel Blake (1859) while actual African American travel to Cuba goes back at least as far as the Spanish-American War of 1898 and has continued unabated ever since. The history of African American travel to Cuba includes figures like Booker T. Washington, Langston Hughes, Rayford Logan, Mary McLeod Bethune, Sue Bailey Thurman, W. E. B. Du Bois, Irene Diggs, Joe Louis, and Amiri Baraka. In addition to the readings, students will listen to various podcasts, songs, and guest lecturers and watch relevant videos, documentaries, and films. Participation in the May 21-28, 2018 trip to Cuba will be open to anyone taking this class. MetaMovments will be organizing the trip with a focus on developing an historical understanding of the African influence on Cuban culture and life over several Centuries; engaging with academics & historians, specializing in the multiple branches of Afro-Cuban ancestry: Yoruba, Congo, Arara, and Abakua, as well as strong Haitian & Jamaican traditions; and being immersed in the dance and music of the island, from the Afro-Cuban roots to the Salsa of today. Students will be have the opportunity to practice Afro-Cuban music and dance with groups like Raices Profundo. After engagement with the history and politics of African American cultural exchange with Cuba and Cubans from 1859 to 1960, students will be able to reflect on their own experiences while in Cuba.
LALC 300 – Pretty, Maidenlike, and a Housewife?
In 2016 a Brazil’s right-leaning magazine published an article on the wife of Brazil’s vice-president, entitled “Pretty, Maidenlike, and a Housewife”. Subtly the magazine supported the idea that women do not occupy powerful positions. Instead, they must accompany a man. Unlike this stereotype (objected with a whole of outrage in social media), throughout the twentieth-century, a considerable number of Brazilian authors like Clarice Lispector, Marina Colassanti, Lygia Fagundes Telles, Adélia Prado, Guimarães Rosa, Patrícia Melo, Lya Luft, Sônia Coutinho, and filmmakers like Fernanda Vairelle, and Kléber Mendonça, among others have designed other destinies for the underrepresentation of women. Exploring themes like madness, eroticism, and aging, these authors subvert a set of beliefs that permeate the image of women insofar as reinstate women center-stage. We will study how a variety of authors believe that there is an overarching cultural background underlying minority or excluded groups. Therefore, this course aims at examining a broad range of Brazilian texts and films to understand how it is not homogeneity, but diversity, that pervades the cultures of social groups.
LALC 331 – Modernismo and Vanguardias
This course will explore major literary and cultural trends in Spanish America Poetry from the Modernista and Vanguardia movements. The study of the concept of Modernity, its impact on humanity and the reaction of the intellectuals to it will be the main focus of the class. Emphasis will be given to poets such as Ruben Dario, Jose Marti, Delmira Agustini, and Jorge Luis Borges. Special attention will be paid to the connections of poetry and socio-politics in late Nineteenth-Century and early Twentieth-Century Spanish America.
LALC 500 – Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies Senior Research Seminar
Research into a topic concerning Latin America directed by two or more faculty representing at least two disciplines. Students must successfully defend their research paper to obtain course credit. The paper is researched and written in the fall semester for one-half course credit and then defended and revised in the spring semester for the other half credit.
Course Offerings Spring 2013
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
AFST 100-01 | Intro to Africana Studies Instructor: Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy |
1030:TR ALTHSE 207 |
AFST 220-02 | Caribbean Diasporic Identities Instructor: Jerry Philogene |
0900:TR DENNY 204 |
AFST 235-01 | Introduction to Caribbean St Instructor: Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy |
1330:TR ALTHSE 106 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
AMST 200-02 | Caribbean Diasporic Identities Instructor: Jerry Philogene |
0900:TR DENNY 204 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
ECON 236-01 | Latin America Economics Instructor: Sebastian Berger |
1230:MWF ALTHSE 110 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
LALC 101-01 | Intro Latin American Studies Instructor: J Mark Ruhl |
1330:TF DENNY 313 |
LALC 121-01 | Intro to Africana Studies Instructor: Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy |
1030:TR ALTHSE 207 |
LALC 122-01 | Introduction to Caribbean St Instructor: Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy |
1330:TR ALTHSE 106 |
LALC 200-01 | Border Feminisms Instructor: Gloria Garcia |
1500:MR DENNY 203 |
LALC 200-02 | Caribbean Diasporic Identities Instructor: Jerry Philogene |
0900:TR DENNY 204 |
LALC 236-01 | Latin America Economics Instructor: Sebastian Berger |
1230:MWF ALTHSE 110 |
LALC 300-01 | Writing Chile in the 19th C Instructor: Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger |
1030:TR BOSLER 314 |
LALC 300-02 | Rethinking Brazilian Lit Instructor: Carolina Castellanos |
1130:MWF BOSLER 321 |
LALC 490-01 | Lat Am Interdisciplinary Res Instructor: Marcelo Borges |
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LALC 500-01 | Independent Study Instructor: Marcelo Borges |
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Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
PORT 380-01 | Rethinking Brazilian Lit Instructor: Carolina Castellanos |
1130:MWF BOSLER 321 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
SPAN 380-01 | Writing Chile in the 19th C Instructor: Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger |
1030:TR BOSLER 314 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
WGST 202-05 | Border Feminisms Instructor: Gloria Garcia |
1500:MR DENNY 203 |
Course Offerings Fall 2012
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
AFST 100-01 | Intro to Africana Studies Instructor: Lynn Johnson |
1330:MR TOME 115 |
AFST 100-02 | Intro to Africana Studies Instructor: Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy |
0900:TR ALTHSE 207 |
AFST 310-05 | Anthropology/Music – Caribbean Instructor: Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy |
1330:T ALTHSE 08 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
AMST 200-03 | Latina/o Studies Instructor: Laura Grappo |
1330:MR DENNY 21 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
ANTH 222-01 | Contemp Peoples of Latin Amer Instructor: Kjell Enge |
1230:MWF DENNY 21 |
ANTH 262-01 | South American Archaeology Instructor: Maria Bruno |
1030:MWF DENNY 211 |
ANTH 345-01 | Anthropology/Music – Caribbean Instructor: Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy |
1330:T ALTHSE 08 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
ARCH 262-01 | South American Archaeology Instructor: Maria Bruno |
1030:MWF DENNY 211 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
ECON 314-01 | Cuba’s Economy Instructor: Sinan Koont |
1030:TR ALTHSE 110 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
HIST 130-01 | Latin American History I Instructor: Marcelo Borges |
0900:TR DENNY 313 |
HIST 315-01 | Immigration Race Nation in LA Instructor: Marcelo Borges |
1500:MR WESTC 1 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
LALC 101-01 | Intro Latin American Studies Instructor: J Mark Ruhl |
1330:TF DENNY 313 |
LALC 242-01 | Brazilian Cultural/Soc Iss Instructor: Carolina Castellanos |
1030:MWF BOSLER 308 |
LALC 262-01 | South American Archaeology Instructor: Maria Bruno |
1030:MWF DENNY 211 |
LALC 490-01 | Lat Am Interdisciplinary Res Instructor: Marcelo Borges |
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LALC 550-01 | Independent Research Instructor: Marcelo Borges |
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Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
PORT 242-01 | Brazilian Cultural/Soc Iss Instructor: Carolina Castellanos |
1030:MWF BOSLER 308 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
POSC 251-01 | Latin Amer Govt & Politics Instructor: J Mark Ruhl |
1330:MR DENNY 313 |
Course Code | Title/Instructor | Meets |
SPAN 341-01 | St in Latin Amer 20C Txts Instructor: Hector Reyes Zaga |
1500:MR BOSLER 313 |
SPAN 350-01 | Studies in Latino Texts Instructor: Mariana Past |
1230:MWF BOSLER 213 |
LALC Courses
- LALC 201 Introduction to Latin American Studies TF 1:30 Ruhl
- LALC 490 Latin American Interdisciplinary Research TBD Borges
LALC Electives
AFST 100 Introduction to Africana Studies TR 9:00-10:15 Thompson
AFST 235 Introduction to Caribbean Studies TR 10:30 Moonsammy
AFST 310-01 Caribbean & African Diaspora W 1:30-4:30 Moonsammy
AFST 310-11 Literature to the Rescue: The Case of Haiti MR 3:00-4:15 Brindeau
ECON 214 Cuba: Sustainability R 1:30-4:30 Koont & Rose
ECON 236 Latin American Economies MWF 9:30-10:20 Koont
HIST 131 Latin American History II TR 9:00-10:15 Borges
HIST 283 Latin American-US Relations TR 1:30-2:45 Borges
SOC 230 Cuba: Sustainability R 1:30-4:30 Koont & Rose
WGST 300-02 Border Feminisms MR 3:00-4:15 Garcia
PORT 242 Brazilian Cultural & Social Issues MWF 10:30 Castellanos
SPAN 321 Late Colonial & 19th C LA Literatures MR 1:30 Delutis-Eichenberger
SPAN 400 The Pen, the Sword & Pillars of Salt W 1:30-4:30 Frohlich
FREN 364 Literature to the Rescue: The Case of Haiti MR 3:00-4:15 Brindeau
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Spring 2013
Cuenca, Ecuador
Mendoza, Argentina