Greetings, Comrades!
As the Media Center moves into the summer months, we have big changes planned for all the movers and shakers on campus. The room formerly known as the collaboration station will be renovated as a new Makerspace. What is a Makerspace you ask? To describe them simply, makerspaces are community centers with tools. Makerspaces combine manufacturing equipment, community, and education for the purposes of enabling community members to design, prototype and create manufactured works that wouldn’t be possible to create with the resources available to individuals working alone. All are united in the purpose of providing access to equipment, community, and education, and all are unique in exactly how they are arranged to fit the purposes of the community they serve.
The Dickinson Media Center has a number of new tools at its disposal to assist in the “making” part of the new room. Along with two recently purchased 3-d printers and dozens of new instructional e-books on creating electronic apparatuses, we now have two rasberry pi single-board computers, a makey-makey, Arduino electronics, and a 3-d printing pen. Check out our cool new tech toys in action!
Check out the current state of the “collaboration station”, then drop by and see all the changes that are expected to be finished Summer 2014.