The Media Center was designed to support a wide variety of audio, video & graphics projects and the specialty spaces a perfect to help

Podcast Nooks

The Media Center has 3 A/V Podcast Rooms available with adequate equipment to record, including 2 microphones for voice or instruments, 1 mini mixer, 1 keyboard, and 1 iMac with recording apps, such as Garageband, Audacity, & IMovie.

Don’t let the small space fool you, the podcast rooms are a student favorite for audio projects of all sorts. With a quiet space to work and various programs like Garageband and Audacity, students and faculty alike come by to do podcasts, music recordings, and many other sorts of projects. If you need a quiet space to work on an audio project for you or for a small group look no further than a Podcast Nook.


Equipment room:

Here you’ll find all the equipment that students can check out from the Media Center. You can pass by and check out equipments any time during working hours. Reservations are still recommended. Outside the equipment room is also where you’ll  find at least one of our student media center assistants, who are there to not only check out equipment, but to help out with any problems you might have while working in the Media Center. We’re also familiar with all of our equipment and most of the programs on the computers around the media center, so the media center assistant on duty is always willing to give advice or help with the project you’re working on.


with 24 windows-capable Macs

 Collaborative Spaces

Are you working on a movie? Maybe it’s not just any old movie, maybe it’s a really special movie! You’re no amateur, you’re here to make a real masterpiece! But who has the top end software you’ll need to make this amazing blockbuster? You guessed it: the Collaboration Station! The “Collab” station is a great place for friends to come down and work together on a movie using special video software like Final Cut Pro to make those special touches a normal iMac wouldn’t be able to.


The Studio

“The Studio”. What exactly is the studio used for?Conferences via Skype with students and faculty, lightboard recordings sessions, video projects using the green-screen or Dickinson backdrop just to name a few. The Studio is a partially soundproof space for faculty, staff and those with professor permission to work on creative projects and hold occasional video conferences. Once in a while have Dickinson figures like PJ Crowley or Nasim Fekrat hold big news interviews.



The Makery

The Makery is a hands on space to build and create.  With sewing machines, hot glue guns, tools and electronics, you can get your hands dirty while making something new.


The Cove

The media cove makes a great space to work on group projects or take video calls.  After 5:00, it doubles as a video gaming room.  With an Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and Wii, you can face off against your friends.