Author: BSL (Page 7 of 9)

GIS Exposition and Poster Symposium

Instructional & Media Service’s own Jim Ciarrocca, will hold a GIS Exposition and Poster Symposium to showcase his students work from the semester.  This is the second year for this event and to say that it is impressive is an understatement.  The students create giant, detailed posters capturing hours of field work data collection and analysis and funneling them into a beautiful, informative displays.  We hope to see you all there!

The Advanced GIS students at Dickinson College will be presenting a GIS Exposition and Poster Symposium on Monday, May 9, 2011, from 9:00am—12:00noon in the HUB Social Hall East.  The exposition will showcase a variety of projects conducted by the students that demonstrate GIS (geographic information systems) methods to investigate and analyze spatial problems of varying complexity.

Included in the symposium will be posters illustrating the use of GIS across a wide variety of disciplines, including environmental assessment, archaeology, geology, food distribution, watershed monitoring, and landscape management.  The exposition will also include informational displays and hands-on demonstrations highlighting other aspects of GIS and spatial literacy.

The exposition is free and open to the public, so attendees are welcome to come and go as their schedule allows – no need for reservations.  The students will be available for discussion throughout the 3-hour session.  Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information, please email or call 717-245-1978

Learn more about GIS at dickinson by going HERE!

Music 102 end of semester performance of ‘John Cage’s Circus On (1979)’

We had the pleasure of working with Professor Amy Wlodarski again this semester and her class will be showcasing their work during an electronic performance open to the public. Sounds like a hoot and we hope a lot of people show up to enjoy the show!

On Thursday, April 28th, Music 102 will present their annual performances of John Cage’s composition, Circus On: A Means for Translating a Book into a Performance Without Actors, a Performance which is both Literary and Musical or One or the Other (1979). The students, in compositional teams of major and non-majors, have each selected a book to translate into a chance-determined musical soundscape (complete with original poetry) according to Cage’s meticulous score.

The four compositions will last ten minutes each and will be preceded by a short preface. They are electronic compositions, so please do not expect live performances. In some cases, the outcomes are dramatic and lively. In others, the outcomes are subdued and sparse. Laughter, outrage, dismissal, and fun are all appropriate responses. As Cage once famously said, “I would rather people laugh at my pieces than cry.”

The students have worked hard for three weeks to execute these compositions, including studying Cage’s writings and authoring a manifesto explaining all of their creative and aesthetic decisions. As such, the compositions are not random but highly-controlled sound spaces in which space is translated into time and events in the book into creative sonic forms according to objective or chance-determined criteria.

The performances will be held in Weiss 235 and will begin promptly at 1:30pm. Should you join us later, please slip in the back door of the classroom.

Equipment Office Spring Hours

Image by tribalicious on flickr

Please note our hours for the remainder of the Spring Semester.  This is only for the equipment office and the main hallway, microroom, collaboration station will remain open when the building is open.  The building closes at 11pm each night so you will need to be in by that point in order to work late on your projects.  The podcast rooms and studio are available when the equipment office is open.  You may check out the room and use it after the equipment office closes although you are responsible for the room, all equipment in it and making sure the room is closed and locked when you leave.

If you have any questions, please contact or call 245.1223.

Monday – Thursday:
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.


This blog post is long but is a wonderful read.  It’s full of great ideas and it made me smile just reading it.  Lots of the concepts can be applied to media projects but really they are just some good guidelines to follow in your life.  One of my favorite takeaways was learning of a great quote from Kurt Vonnegut.  He is one of my favorite authors and these are some words to live by.

“Kurt Vonnegut said it best: “There’s only one rule I know of: goddamn it, you’ve got to be kind.”

Reading this post brightened up my Monday and I hope you feel the same way when you read (or at least skim over) it. Here are a few of the main points, I won’t give them all to you because you need to go read it for yourself!

Full Article Here

Redefining the blog

I have personally had a Blogger account for over 6 years now but when I recently wanted to set up a blog, I went with WordPress instead.  I love WP (that’s what this site runs on) but I must say that the new enhancements Google just unveiled on Blogger are rather impressive.  Go to any blogger site and add /view at the end to get a completely different way to see the posts.  I will definitely need to dig a little deeper into these changes and it will make it harder when I have to choose a blog recommendation for myself or people asking for assistance.  [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Looking for a few awesome employees

Are you awesome?  Like technology?  Interact well with human beings?  Can you show up to work on time?  Want to learn some new things?  If yes, you should apply for the Media Center Assistant position!

(If application fails to load, click here)

TCWW Faculty Panel on Student Video Projects

Please join Professors Lullo, Humphreys, Hoefler, Schubert and Fratantuono for a brown bag lunch session of the TCWW as they discuss how and why they incorporated video projects into their courses.
You’ll see short clips of student-created videos and have an opportunity to discuss questions such as:
• Why did you decide to include a video project in your class?

• How did this project lend itself to the learning goals of your class?

• Did the video project augment or replace an existing project?

• Was the project modeled after a project you saw elsewhere?

• What was the level of effort required by both you and your students?

• How did you assess the video project?

The presenters have experience with incorporating a variety of video genres such as promotional videos, video blogs, interviews/documentaries, video mini-lectures and video demonstrations. Please bring a lunch and join us for what promises to be a lively discussion.

Michael Fratantuono – International Business & Management

Professor Jim Hoefler – Policy Studies

Policy & Management Senior Seminar students compose DVDs for non-profit organizations in the local community.

Professor Sherri Lullo – Asian Art History

ARTH 110: Introduction to the Arts of Asia
Topic: Japanese Print from Trout Gallery
Using narration over images.  Created using IMovie & series of images from Trout Gallery of Creative Commons files.
Students were each assigned a piece of Asian Art held by the college’s Trout Gallery and used the Ken Burns effect to display images of the piece while telling the story of it’s history.
Professor: Sheri Lullo-Art History
Course:ARTH 110: Introduction to the Arts of Asia

Full list of videos can be seen here

The Chinese Lacquer Box

Kawase Hasui – Beppu Kankaiji

Gathering Pines Japanese Print

Podcast: Kangxi Coin

Professor Dan Schubert – Health Studies

Dan’s students work with AIDS organizations to record oral histories from people who are HIV positive.  They then compile these into a final production to give back to the AIDS organizations they partnered with.

Professor Kristi Humphreys – Chemistry

Art History Podcasts

During the fall 2010 semester, Professor Sheri Lullo’s Introduction to the Arts of Asia course created podcasts using images of the pieces held by the Trout Gallery.  The images were incorporated into Imovie and a narration was recorded over the video, walking the viewer through the history of each piece.  Students took a slightly different approach to the assignment as is apparent when you watch some of the examples below.  By incorporating storytelling, imagery, music and sound effects these beautiful examples of Asian art are brought to life.

Japanese Print: “Beppu Kankaiji” by Kawase Hasui
Podcast By Brandon Howard

Kawase Hasui – Beppu Kankaiji

Chinese Lacquer Box
Podcast By Anne Newall


Buddha Statue: The Evolution of Buddhism
Podcast By Nickolas Baller

Evolution of Buddhism

Gone, but not forgotten

The Media Center has a small memorial to Nate Kirkland who was a student here at Dickinson and was tragically taken from us during a Service Learning trip to Guatemala in early 2009.  He was passionate about filmmaking and had an infectious smile that would most definitely brighten your day.

Although the memorial is there to help remember Nate, people often pass by it without taking much notice as they rush to and from classes.  We hope that people who didn’t know Nate, take the time to read a little about him and hopefully find inspiration in the way he lived his life, as he was always trying to make the world a better place.

Today, I walked by the memorial and found someone was kind enough to leave flowers, a note & a poem.  It warmed my heart and saddened me all at the same time.

It made me think that the media center hasn’t promoted Nate’s work the way we should so here are some samples of what he created during the short period of time we were graced with his presence.  The following are the poem & note that were left and it should inspire us all.

Why Do Animated Videos Work?

Have you ever seen videos from Common Craft?  Amazing, aren’t they?   The reason they are so great is because they take complex topics and simplify them so everyone can easily understand them.

In the Media Center, we are always trying to find ways to deliver tutorials and trainings so people can get the most out of it and not get confused.  Common Craft posted this blog discussing why animated videos work so well when trying to inform people.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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