Oculus Go Virtual Reality Headset and Controller
Must be operated with Oculus Go App to connect to Wifi
For more information visit this site. Oculus Go Walkthrough
For more information visit this site. Oculus Go Walkthrough
The Running Man ProFX12 is a complete audio mixer station that is still relatively portable for easy setup and fairly simple to use. In addition to the standard audio connections, it also comes with built in USB I/O, allowing for easy recording or streaming music from a laptop.
We also have the Zoom R24 available, which is smaller and more portable than the Running Man ProFX12. This model also comes complete with an SD card which can be recorded to.
We have green screens available which can be used to provide a green background for your video or photography shots in order to facilitate digital effects.
Webcams which can be connected to computers via USB are available both for checkout and installed in the various workstations at the Media Center. These cameras are easily configurable and useful for video conferencing.
The TurningPoint response system is a wireless system used to collect responses from your audience during a class or a presentation. Once connected to a computer via USB, the system’s included software can be used to display a question or poll. Audience members then respond on their remotes and the answers are recorded and can be displayed in real time. We have a total of around two hundred remotes and the system can be checked out in with any number of remotes.
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