These past few weeks have been the first time in my life that I have been exposed to blogging. I have never had an interest in writing blogs or even really looking at them. Well that has now changed…
For my own blog, I plan to write about the active lifestyle I live each day. I play lacrosse here at Dickinson and have always loved all sports. Growing up, I never owned an Xbox or a PlayStation, I instead just played whatever sport or did whatever activity I wanted to. Now a college student, living that easy, do-whatever-you-want lifestyle is a little more challenging but I still try my best each day to find a time to go out and do something.
I do not exactly know how my blog is going to shape up but I envision it being pretty random with keeping the active lifestyle idea consistent. When I was searching for other blogs like mine, I did not really find one that I liked at all. For example, my blog will not be like this one I found called Girls Gone Strong (or at least I hope not). This one is all about womens health and fitness which I am not interested in blogging about at all. Other blogs like this one called Born Fitness covers all aspects of fitness but has its own huge section on recipes. I most certainly will not be writing about any recipes because I do not know the first thing about cooking. My cooking expertise stops at making Easy Mac in the microwave..
My main motivation for writing a blog about living an active lifestyle came from a new brand of compression shorts a family friend created. The brand is called WOLAco which stands for “Way of Life Athletic”. Their compression shorts are absolutely fabulous but right now, it is the brand name I am interested in. WOLAco sparked the idea that I do live an active lifestyle everyday and it is something I can easily blog about.