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Category Archives: Student Blog Project 2013
A Year New, a Kombucha Treat and the Manifesto
Welcome to 2014. It’s a fine time to start some new projects, don’t you think?
We have quite a few surprises up our sleeves. Firstly, for the next year we will be exploring each of the twelve points of our manifesto. During the first week of the month, expect a post devoted to each of the points.
And the other projects that are on the way? Well, you’ll have to be patient for those – but we promise they’re worth it. Hint: we’re fitting a kitchen into a box.
Our manifesto was constructed over several months, with a bit of inspiration from Keri Smith. Every idea was carefully refined; not a single word was left untouched. But this year, to become even more acquainted with the principles of gastronomic permaculture, we’re going in depth with the manifesto.
And so, the first point.
We declare that gastronomic permaculture integrates ourselves, our food, our community and our earth. It recognises that every meal Is accomplished in an ecosystem, and it is the convergence our three basic needs: nourishment, security and love.
In true permaculture fashion, we begin with Zone 0. We begin with the central point of gastronomic permaculture. Really, we think it’s the central point of cooking and eating in general: nourishment, security and love.
When you eat (you see, we’re assuming you’re not a zombie or otherwise undead creature), you are participating in an ecosystem of activity. There is the natural system – the soil, the water, the air – and the human system – the farmer, the store keeper, the people you are cooking with and feeding. There are pre-existing conditions; there’s no getting rid of them. Gastronomic permaculture works to integrate every zone of interaction.
Every meal you make begins outside of your kitchen and ends outside of your kitchen. The vegetables you saute may have been grown in your garden, or down the road in the neighbour’s garden, or hundreds of miles away. The olive oil in the bottle on the counter might have come from multiple countries; the salt from seas you haven’t seen. There were hands aside from your own that crafted the food you cook with; there might be hands aside from your own that prepare the food you eat. Hopefully, there are other hands you can break bread with. The things you discard might go to a landfill (via your waste bin) or you will find a way to remake some of them – as stock, maybe. Or perhaps they’ll go to a compost pile (either your own or that of a local farm), where they will rejoin the soil from whence they came.
Every meal is one stop in a cycle. And in every meal is an echo of our three basic needs: nourishment, security and love.
To send out the old year and bring in the old, we concocted an experiment. Probiotics meet sweet treat. A kombucha float.
Kombucha itself is an ecosystem of nutrients. And once you have a mother grown, you can produce kombucha as long as the mother remains healthy. It also give you an opportunity to settle the faint of heart, but that’s a post for another time…
We’re pretty big fans of kombucha. We’ve tried to sample every flavour we can get our hands on and Tim even did his final chemistry project on the fermented tea beverage. Somewhere along the way we got the idea to make a kombucha float. We created an “ice cream” from yoghurt and coconut milk, and Tim brewed a jar of kombucha. Given the contents of both, it’s a veritable festival of cultures.
It’s a good way to ring in the new year. Something sweet and snazzy. Something with a dose of good stuff in it.
Kombucha Float
Liquify a 1/2 cup honey (we suggest you use a pot on the stove). Combine with 2 1/2 cups Greek yoghurt and 1 cup full-fat coconut milk. Either connect the whisk attachment to your mixer or grab a whisk. Combine and whip it a bit.
Pour into any kind of dish that can be put into the freezer. Then, obviously, put the dish into the freezer. Every 20 minutes to 1/2 an hour, stir/scrape the frozen/freezing mixture until it is thick.
Scoop the frozen, creamy mixture – “ice cream,” if you will. Place in a glass (or a wine glass, if you want to be fancy, or a mason jar, if you don’t want to be). Open kombucha flavour of your choice and pour over “ice cream.” Make as much as you want, or as little. Sharing is recommended. A straw might be a good idea. Regardless, enjoy.
Also, you can find us on instagram now, if you’re into that kind of thing.
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged Food, Narrative, recipe, syndicated
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Motivating Green Building Around the World
Sustainable design has been a major buzzword this year. Everyone is attempting to hop on the green craze to make their business responsible, forward thinking, and up to date. Whether those are legitimate efforts or throwing around unregulated words like “natural” and “sustainable,” depends on the business. But, one of the good things to come… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged christina gamboa, climate change, colombia, green building, greenbuild, People, Places, resilience, singapore, syndicated, tai lee siang
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Sunday Exercise
If you celebrated Christmas (or even if you didn’t), what gift would you give back? What would you ask for in return? Be as honest as possible. For example, I would love to give back that pair of pajamas I … Continue reading → Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged Christmas, Creative writing, Creativity, Exercises, Holidays, Personality, syndicated, Thought, writer prompts, Writing
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Affordable Green Neighborhoods Support Public Health
There has been increasing interest in using affordable housing projects to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Though genetics play a role in determining health, a recent study showed that the physical, social, and economic environment account for between 40 and 60% of health outcomes. This means that your environment has a huge impact on your… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged affordable housing, colorado, greenbuild, health, housing project, lamar station crossing, LEED, paseo verde, philadelphia, Places, public health, syndicated
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Cup of Questions
Students in line to get coffee at the Biblio Cafe were asked to pick a random question out of a bag and were given 10 seconds to think of an answer if they needed it. Their responses were then recorded. I took this approach for my interview because there are always numerous conversations […] Continue reading
Next Semester
Hi everyone who is still reading this blog with me, First off all, thank you for being a part of my blogging journal this semester. I have had a personal tumblr account for years now (a little ashamed to say … Continue reading → Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged personal musings, syndicated
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Meet Mike.
About this post: Hello everyone. I wanted to introduce you to the #1 fan of this blog and one of the most amazing men you’ll ever meet: my father, Mike. He and I have shared a love of music for years, so I wanted to make a special post with the spotlight on him. I emailed … Continue reading → Continue reading
Never the Same Thing Twice: Quinoa Pancakes
I can’t say pancakes are my favorite food.No, I have too many favorite foods to pick just one. Sweet potatoes, blueberries, pesto, good bread, kale, hummus, tomatoes…I love them equally. Pancakes are on th… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged Cook, Food, Narrative, recipe, syndicated
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My Project
Hey guys i hope your all killing it in the gym but in case your having a hard week i put this video together to help motivate you with yours […] Continue reading
Female Voices on Female Representations
Since I started this project as a way to start conversations about the different ways that females – especially young adult females – are portrayed in popular culture, I wanted to get more voices on my blog. I asked eight females on campus the same question: what is your overall impression of the way females […] Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged movies, syndicated
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