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Author Archives: Jaime
Motivating Green Building Around the World
Sustainable design has been a major buzzword this year. Everyone is attempting to hop on the green craze to make their business responsible, forward thinking, and up to date. Whether those are legitimate efforts or throwing around unregulated words like “natural” and “sustainable,” depends on the business. But, one of the good things to come… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged christina gamboa, climate change, colombia, green building, greenbuild, People, Places, resilience, singapore, syndicated, tai lee siang
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Affordable Green Neighborhoods Support Public Health
There has been increasing interest in using affordable housing projects to promote healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Though genetics play a role in determining health, a recent study showed that the physical, social, and economic environment account for between 40 and 60% of health outcomes. This means that your environment has a huge impact on your… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged affordable housing, colorado, greenbuild, health, housing project, lamar station crossing, LEED, paseo verde, philadelphia, Places, public health, syndicated
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The Connective Corridor: Connecting a City and its Population
Syracuse, NY has had a 33% increase in downtown residential population. Why? It might have something to do with their innovative Connective Corridor that is linking University Hill and downtown Syracuse through public transit, bike lanes, green streetscapes, innovative lighting design, and public art displays. Syracuse set out to create a unique identity that acts… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged adaptive reuse, biking, connective corridor, greenbuild, LEED, new york, Places, public transportation, save the rain, syndicated, syracuse
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The World Is Flat: A 21st Century Approach to Urban Hydrology
The world is flat. At least it is in a city such as Philadelphia (and many others) where the ground has been flattened and gridded. In many cases, storm water infiltration into city soil is capable, but when it is not a veneer landscape can accomplish a similar task. Veneer landscapes move water horizontally, keeping… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged green roofs, greenbuild, Places, syndicated, the high line, urban hydrology, veneer landscapes
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Wrangling the White Elephant – Reuse Spurring Revitalization
St. Luke’s Hospital, closed since 1999, is now St. Luke’s Manor, an affordable housing complex for independent living seniors. When developers in Cleveland, Ohio decided to redevelop St. Luke’s Hospital they looked at nearly every other option to make it profitable before deciding to convert it into affordable senior housing. When that decision was made,… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged adaptive retrofit, affordable housing, architecture, greenbuild, historic reuse, LEED, Places, St. Luke’s Hospital, syndicated
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Philadelphia: Green City, Clean Waters
“These green solutions to solving the storm water problem don’t just solve storm water. They create parks, they create shade, they create beauty.” Sarah RobGreico, Executive Director Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership In 2012, Philadelphia instituted its Green City, Clean Waters 25-year plan to increase the quality of its streams and rivers and revitalize the city. The… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged green infrastructure, greenbuild, philadelphia, Places, syndicated
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Ron Finley, Guerrilla Gardener and Community Leader
Gardening is my graffiti. I grow my art…I use the garden, the soil like it’s a piece of cloth and the plants and the trees, that’s my embellishment for that cloth.” Ron Finley is certainly a fascinating individual! I was interested to find out more about him because his talk at Greenbuild is the only… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged greenbuild, People, syndicated
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Greenbuild International Conference and Expo!
Thanks to a generous sponsorship from my college and an alum, I will be attending the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Philadelphia on November 20-22! And, I will be live tweeting it all @CityMentality! Greenbuild is the only conference dedicated to sustainable building and development. The conference covers topics including LEED certification, green infrastructure, resiliency, mixed-use development,… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged adaptive retrofit, adaptive reuse, green infrastructure, greenbuild, philadelphia, Places, syndicated, urban hydrology
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It’s all in the city: Justifying my many interests
As a college student, I often get asked: (1) What do you want to do with your life? (2) What are you going to do with an Environmental Studies degree? (3) What job will you be able to do? The answer to those questions is both “I don’t know” and “a lot of things.” I… Continue reading
Posted in Student Blog Project 2013
Tagged People, syndicated
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Using Electronics in Class?!
What is Digital Writing? Digital writing is as vast and varied as the imaginations of those who compose, create, and craft it. Digital writing can be anything from Twitter posts about what you ate for breakfast, to theses on urban … Continue reading
Posted in 2013 Digital Writing Essay, Archives
Tagged Web Essay
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