Category Archives: Student Blog Project 2015

the one where my life would become aca-awesome

I think it’s pretty safe to say that mostly everybody has seen the movie Pitch Perfect. You know, that movie about the ICCAs (that stands for the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella). I am actually one of the few people that haven’t seen the movie, so I can’t say too much about it. I do know […] Continue reading

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Sweaters Under $50

    Top Row from L to R: $30, $44, $26 Middle Row from L to R: $15, $30, $35 Bottom Row from L to R: $21, $20, $24 I’m a winter type of girl.  Snow, hot chocolate and good books are what my favorite winter […] Continue reading

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An Interview with Colleen

I was lucky enough to sit down with my good friend, Colleen, and ask her a few running questions. Colleen is a student at Georgetown University and just completed the Marine Corps Marathon—Congratulations! She has been running for about a year now and does not plan on stopping anytime soon. So, without further ado, How… Continue reading

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My Running Quirks

Us runners have our odd rituals and quirks but they work for us! Here is a list of 10 of my running quirks! 1. Gum Yes, I ALWAYS run with a piece of gum in my mouth. It has to be a chiclet and mint-flavored. 2. Showers… My friends and teammates make fun of me… Continue reading

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Better Understanding of the American Culture

The American Dream, football, baseball, peanut butter, mac and cheese, chicken and waffles, pretzels, and many other aspects of American culture call the foreigner’s attention when they arrive to America, the land of opportunity. However, learning about a culture is completely different from being immersed in it. I have previously studied American culture and I … Continue reading Better Understanding of the American Culture Continue reading

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Zombie Tourists in the iPhone Era

Humans have always felt compelled to collect, record, and preserve. Glass cases in archives and museums hold precious material objects of cultural or historical import; scrapbooks, picture frames, and Facebook photo albums hold… Continue reading Continue reading

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My One Problem With Magic Mike

I like Magic Mike. I think it is an engaging and interesting film and not just because of the all the beautiful sweaty naked men. There is some really beautiful and interesting cinematography. The film has authentic dialogue and characters. All of this you can see in this clip where Matthew McConaughey’s Dallas is teaching […] Continue reading

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London Calling

After returning to the United States in early June, I was immediately thrown back into the chaos of an American metropolis. This summer, I had the incredible opportunity of working at a medical publishing company in the heart of New York City. Readjusting to the congestion, the cacophonous roar of sirens and car horns, the […] Continue reading

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Monday, We Meet Again: Start the week off with a simple, healthy dinner

Well here we are again, the inevitable start of another work week.  Getting back into the grind is not the most enjoyable event so to boost your spirit, make yourself a satisfying, healthy meal. To conquer your case of the … Continue reading Continue reading

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Friday Night in Mendoza

It is Friday afternoon. After a hard week of working and studying, the weekend is just around the corner. Dusk is falling in Mendoza and it invites me to relax and enjoy great moments with friends. Around seven p.m. I finish washing my car and  start planning what I will do during the night.   […] Continue reading

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