Category Archives: Student Blog Project 2015

A Journey into Jane Austen’s World

On an overcast Friday morning in the middle of April, I found myself wandering down the main street in an English village named Chawton.  There were no sidewalks, so I walked along the side of the narrow road, constantly checking over my shoulder to ensure I didn’t get clipped by a passing car.  My anxiety […] Continue reading

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Experiencing the Art of David Lynch

Weird. Disturbing. Repulsive. Twisted. Uncomfortable. Darkly comedic. No, I’m not talking about Thanksgiving with my family. I’m talking about David Lynch’s new art exhibit “The Unified Field” at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine… Continue reading Continue reading

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A Trip to the Middle of the Mountains

Starting the Journey. I wake up early in the morning. It is Sunday, the perfect day to rest and enjoy Mendoza’s landscape. Today we are heading towards Valle del Sol, in Potrerillos. The night is slowly moving away giving place to the rising Sun that wants to become the owner of the sky, as it […] Continue reading

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Dickinson College’s Stained-Glass

Dennis Akin’s beautiful stained-glass windows that spot the Dickinson campus deserve admiration. Many Dickinson students and Carlisle residents are not aware of the art around them—they have grown accustomed to their surroundings. Akin’s stained-glass installations are featured on 7 Dickinson buildings: East College, Bosler, Stern, Weiss, Asbell Center, Montgomery House, and the Kline Athletic Center. Akin […] Continue reading

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Road to Nationals

Without a doubt, competing at Nationals goes down as one of the top 10 moments of my life so far. It was one of the greatest experiences I could have ever asked for as a collegiate rider, especially a competitive … Continue reading Continue reading

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Top 3 Big Ten Heisman Trophy Candidates

Since 2000, the Big Ten has only produced one Heisman Trophy winner, which was Troy Smith out of Ohio State in 2006, largely because the conference does not have the same flashy athletes to compete with the SEC and other big conferences.  But times are changing and the Big Ten is starting to recruit further […] Continue reading

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Today’s Run: Gravel, and butterflies, and SURPRISE! Oh, my!

Being the lovely 70 degree, humid tuesday it was—quite different from the cold, dismal weather we have been having—I decided that I would take advantage and go for a nice long, relaxing run. Plus, I got off work 2 hours early so I had to celebrate! Now, I am a creature of habit. I like… Continue reading

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the one where i traveled overseas

February 2012 was a watershed month for me. Not only did I my pass my driver’s license test with flying colors, but I also got my braces off (a little too soon, according to my orthodontist) and I left the country for the very first time. Every February vacation, my high school does a trip […] Continue reading

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Dad’s Journey Home!

Here it is! Still trying to figure out correct formatting, font colors and all of that but I am excited to share my first post with everyone! Enjoy!

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Traduttore, Tradittore: Translation Ethics and Mistranslations

The Italian saying “traduttore, tradittore”, which in English means “translator, traitor” was my first encounter with translation issues. During my freshmen year in the English- Spanish Translation Program, one of my teachers introduced us to this saying, which made me think about translation, but I still didn’t fully grasp its meaning. Why would translators purposefully … Continue reading Traduttore, Tradittore: Translation Ethics and Mistranslations Continue reading

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