Category Archives: What Makes a Good Blog?

Navigating the Blogosphere

Accessibility to the Internet is virtually unlimited. Anyone, anywhere is able to create a blog and write what’s on their mind, regardless of authority, skill or credibility. So how do we sift out what is worth reading, and what offers … Continue reading

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What Makes a Blog Good?

People don’t like to read. People like pictures. People like to share. This past summer I worked as a marketing intern for a non-profit organization and I learned a thing or two about the way people respond to Internet writing. … Continue reading

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What’s your favorite food?

Asking what makes a good blog is a question loaded with opinion and follow-up questions. It is not simply just asking, “what is your favorite class?” but more along the lines of, “what is your favorite food?” If someone were … Continue reading

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What makes a good website?

What makes a good website is not much different than asking what makes a good painting or football game or cup. They all have to be in some way visually and/or aesthetically appealing. A good apple would not be ridden … Continue reading

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Blogging for the Intellectual Collective: Why Good Blogs Blossom While Others Die

Collective Intelligence and the Blogging World The digital age has revolutionized the transfer of information, and as such the manner in which information is conveyed has also changed.  Sean Michael Morris explains in “Digital Writing Uprising:  Third-order Thinking in the … Continue reading

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What can blogs do for you?

Freshman year of high school I got my first computer and suddenly my entertainment options on the Internet seemed limitless. No more would I be restricted to sending email chains and browsing YouTube on my dad’s computer. Now hours of … Continue reading

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What makes an excellent blog?

In my opinion, every blog should be different. Every blog should have some aspects that make it unique, fresh, and interesting. It should capture my attention with its headlines, photographs, digital media, and anything else that’s new or innovative. But … Continue reading

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