Tag Archives: syndicated

The Study of English in the Eyes of a Scientist

From my experience, a lot of people seem to think that skills and concepts learned in English classes aren’t of much use outside of the literary sphere. I, on the other hand think that knowing how to write is important… Continue Reading → Continue reading

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Hi, everybody! Today I would like to share an interview done to one of my closest friends at Dickinson, Amanda. She is from Brazil, so our countries are neighbors. Since we are here, we have shared a class, several meals, parties and workout time! We feel identified in different things, typical from our South American… Continue reading IT’S A SOUTHAMERICAN THING! Continue reading

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Interview With My Bruvs

From left to right: Tyler, Dane, Ryan, Me, Pat When I found out I had to conduct an interview for my blog, I knew right away I was going to interview my four best friends. The five of us literally do everything together. We are all on the same team, have more or less the […] Continue reading

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The Interview About Nothing

  So today I decided to follow in Jerry Seinfeld’s foot steps (kind of) and conduct and interview about nothing. I found my two friends, Howie Keenan and Andrew Morgan, and saw what was up with them. They’re two pretty basic dudes who like a lot of the same things I do. Guess that’s why […] Continue reading

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My Mom’s Point of View

Unlike my previous posts, this one is a bit more serious and gives more background of some of the struggles and experiences my family has been through while immigrating to America and making this life for themselves and our family. I decided to interview my mom to ask her a few questions about her immigration … Continue reading My Mom’s Point of View Continue reading

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Let Voices Ring

So I talk a lot about my own opinions on what race is or why it’s relevant, and usually from the personal perspective of someone who lives in between worlds. Well, I’m going to keep that up in today’s entry, but the only thing I’ll tweak is whose perspective it is.   A little bit … Continue reading Let Voices Ring Continue reading

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Memories with Melissa…

Being a skater there are so many people that inspire me. However the one that inspires me the most is my former coach, Melissa or better known on my team Mel bell. I met Melissa when I joined team reflections, she was the assistant coach to Amy, head coach of team reflections. My first impression…

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Eating My Way Through Greece

One of my favorite parts, there were many, of my trip to Greece was the food. It was unreal. We were also fortunate enough to go at a time when everything there, including food and housing, was relatively cheap because of the Greek economy. We were also able to drink because there is virtually no… More Eating My Way Through Greece Continue reading

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A Healthy Streak of Delusion: An Interview With Jeff Weiss

Jeff Weiss is a writer by definition. By vocation. His work is a product of passion when he has time, and a work of dedication when he doesn’t. He doesn’t claim to be an expert, but he does have experience. He was a staff writer at a business blog. He worked for free for the … Continue reading A Healthy Streak of Delusion: An Interview With Jeff Weiss Continue reading

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My Roommates Favorite Story

Since I LOVE telling stories so much I decided to as the one person I spend probably the most time with what is her favorite story to tell. My roommate is my best friend and we know waaaayyyyyy too much about each other, but it’s actually great.   So I have personally heard this story […] Continue reading

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